Digital Marketing written in pen

What is digital marketing?

Digital Marketing is all about marketing communication that we consume via digital devices, that is, laptop, PC or smart phone and of course through the internet.

This means that beyond the adverts you may see in print or in leaflets, brands can reach their target audience using a wide range of tactics through digital marketing services including website Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) e.g. using Google Ads, search engines, social media, email marketing, video, advertising campaigns etc. With the analytics and insights available as a result of using digital marketing, you can really keep track on what resonates with your audience by monitoring what works and what doesn’t.  

Digital marketing encompasses

  1. Website design & Development
  2. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
  3. Social Media Marketing
  4. Pay Per Click (PPC)
  5. Remarketing / Banner advertising
  6. Email Marketing
  7. Inbound Marketing
  8. Content Marketing
  9. Marketing Automation  

The evolution of marketing automation

With digital marketing continuously evolving, changing beyond recognition in just the last 10 years alone, the possibilities for communicating with a potential audience are endless. With access to a raft of channels in our daily lives and different ways to seek out the brands we want to know about, digital marketing also includes marketing automation.

Perhaps deemed the new kid on the block, marketing automation is not to be overlooked. It not only frees up time by automating repetitive tasks, it also allows tailored automated responses, tracking of prospects activity on a website as well as chat bot automation…you get the picture. In short it offers more marketing opportunities. Align this with a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system and the data and analytics at your fingertips to help you grow your business are sometimes beyond comprehension.

Using digital marketing to its full potential for your business

It’s highly likely that at some point in your daily routine you’re using some sort of digital marketing activity in your business. Whether that be through social media, an email to customers or writing a blog for your website. However, by pulling these tactics together you can start to formulate your digital marketing strategy to target the right audience for your business which will enable growth.

Smart Cow is a digital marketing agency in Croydon, we work across a range of industries including the accounting sector. We look at the products and services on an accounting firm and see best how to put them high up on the landing page for the accounting market.

Get a Free Consultation here.

Further reading to help you develop your digital marketing strategy

Robot creating video content for digital marketing

6 digital marketing video tips

With studies showing that people have the ability to recall 65% of the visual content they see almost three days later (HubSpot, 2017), we highly recommend business owners everywhere take the time to get to grips with the visual side of content marketing.

Consumers watching a branded video are 28% more likely to buy (Hootsuite), so video content will really enhance your inbound marketing strategy.

6 tips for great video

Here’s a few tips to help you create great video and ways of sharing video that helps increase views and helps Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).

  1. A simple way to record a video is through a social media app and share from that for your social media marketing. You can also live-stream via Twitter and other channels such as Facebook and Instagram, which have a story function for live feeds. With 100 million hours of video content watched on Facebook daily (Facebook, 2016), using video makes sense.
  2. To make sure you utilise video across social media channels or on your website, use the video function on your phone for simple and effective images. You’ll find recording on your phone easy for short soundbites to offer your target audience tips and advice. This can even include email marketing campaigns.
  3. Remember that content is king. It’s not about posting any video, it’s important that your video content is also targeted to your audience, with a relevant script, tagline and a clear call to action for more lead generation.
  4. If you have a blog on your website with a relevant video, post it at the top of the page as it helps to keep the visitor on your website for longer. This reduces bounce rate and helps SEO.
  5. Host your video content on YouTube. With over 1.8 billion users on YouTube every month, the business opportunities for using this channel shouldn’t be overlooked.
  6. Be authentic so that your brand resonates with your target audience.

Get in touch

Talk to us about your digital marketing needs. Our marketing team will help grow your business through online marketing, web design, social media management and more.

We will advise of the best combination of channels and tactics to utilise to make you stand out from the crowd. A digital marketing agency in Croydon, Smart Cow will be glad to answer any questions on the inbound marketing strategy best for you.


Pins connected like social media

How LinkedIn can help you grow your business

If you’re looking to grow your business then you’re likely to embark on joining some local networking groups, attend events and catch up with old acquaintances. This is you building on your network of contacts to help grow your business. And, LinkedIn is no different, it’s a place to network – it just happens to be a social media platform.   

LinkedIn is a business2business (B2B) social channel with networking at its core allowing you to connect with other professionals, clients, colleagues, prospects and employers. It provides another touchpoint to promote who you are and your business which all helps build trust and brand awareness.

So, depending on your products or services, we would recommend LinkedIn to target more B2B focused customers.

LinkedIn company page

  1. When you first create a company page, make it your own. Make sure your banner image and profile image is consistent with your brand. It’s a perfect place for a logo too.
  2. Add your company contact details including your website URL.
  3. When you post something be sure to use relevant hashtags to extend reach. So, for example an accountancy practice can add hashtags such as #accounting #BusinessOwner #Taxation #Taxadvice, to help target the audience it wants to provide a service to. But make sure it’s in context to your content you are referencing.
  4. To help your inbound marketing strategy, use your posts on LinkedIn to insert links back to your website, preferably to fresh content like a blog. Add an image to help create stand out. Producing engaging content will encourage likes, shares and connections. If you’re new to the platform, get used to the channel first by sharing posts. Then start to build your connections, comment and share other connections posts.
  5. If you are attending an event, review the list of attendees and see who you want to chat with when there. Then connect with them on LinkedIn. However, if you weren’t able to speak to the key connections you had hoped to, then why not send them that message via LinkedIn post event. The guest list has been shared with you for a reason so make the most of it.

Book a Practice Growth Session

If you feel you need some support from a social media consultant in getting your social media channels set up then get in touch with us today.

We also run Practice Growth Sessions which are tailored for businesses keen to grow and ready to invest in a digital marketing campaign to achieve their goals. You can book a session with us for £95.

Digital marketing mix n match

Digital marketing mix ‘n’ match

The rapid growth of digital marketing and the evolution of technology to suit a business’s every want and need makes it crucial for firms to stay one step ahead of their competition as changes occur much faster than ever, with much greater collateral than 10 years ago. Therefore, to take full advantage, it’s important to understand the nuances of digital marketing, and to realise that one size doesn’t simply ‘fit all’ anymore, as seen with Kodak film failing to adapt to digital cameras and losing their market dominance. A mix and match of disciplines is key to delivering results, and it’s all about giving customers a good brand experience.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

This is a combination of strategies to make it easier for a website to be found online. There is a mixture of on and offsite changes which can be made to optimise your visibility and ranking against competitors. When we start working with clients, we initially look at core aspects such as how your website is built, target audiences and keywords you use, then fit this in with tailored campaigns and consultations to create more brand awareness and business for your company.

Pay Per Click (PPC)

Online markets are becoming incredibly competitive, even saturated at some points, and so it can be difficult as to how best to get your business noticed above this herd of competitors. Pay Per Click allows you to place an advert where your target market may be looking, be it on Facebook, LinkedIn or Google Adwords, with a call to action or purely promoting brand awareness. This provides instant results and therefore is great for a new and growing business. Many firms have found this is a great substitute for those without efficient SEO campaigns in place or to help boost initial SEO activity when a website is launched.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing can be extremely efficient in growing an online customer base and awareness. As a popular inbound marketing strategy, it helps build rapport; with Facebook still the most utilised social network with 2.2 billion monthly users, social media channels will still be a go to place for many to get company insight and an idea of other consumer experiences of products. From bespoke content to sending targeted messages, this type of activity on social media channels will all help to increase brand and product awareness while remaining cost effective.

Email Marketing

Utilise an email marketing campaign to send tailored messages to your core audience. Utilise content already produced in your blog and re-purpose for short and snappy bursts of product information.   clients whilst performing full reports on the success of leads, allowing you to store data for the future on how best to target particular customers. We use techniques such as De duplications and bounce reports to provide a wide market reach in a cost-effective manner in order for you to grow a strong digital customer base.

For more information on any of these services and more, make sure to visit our website or simply

Digital market is growing; let us help you to grow with it!