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5 Reasons Why Smart Cow Marketing Can Increase Your Visibility Through PPC Campaigns

PPC ads (Pay Per Click) help you get seen and bring in more customers for your business. However, creating a successful PPC campaign takes more than just setting up an ad and waiting for the clicks to come in. 

At Smart Cow Marketing, we specialise in creating and managing PPC campaigns, including Google Ads and paid social media, that get results. Working with us boosts your visibility and website traffic through PPC advertising. Here are five reasons why it’s beneficial.

Keyword Research

One of the most important components of a successful PPC campaign is choosing the right keywords. We start by conducting thorough keyword research to identify the most relevant and high-traffic keywords used in search queries for your business. We can use specific words in your ads to attract the right people to your website. This will also make your website more visible on search engines.

Ad Copy and Landing Pages

In addition to choosing the right keywords, the copy in your ads and on your website landing pages is critical to success. We create ads that use keywords that catch attention to increase the chances of getting clicks and improve conversion rates. 

It’s also important to have a relevant website landing page for your PPC campaign to clearly showcase your product or service with a clear call to action. Our landing pages are designed to increase the chances of visitors taking the desired action. These actions include signing up for a newsletter, making a purchase, or filling out a contact form.

Targeting Options

PPC advertising offers a variety of targeting options, including location, device, and audience demographics. We study your desired audience and develop a personalised strategy to ensure your ads reach the right people at a time convenient to them. By narrowing the audience, you save money by not advertising to those who aren’t interested. 

A Google ads campaign can also comprise of different ad options such as search, display ads, shopping ads and video ads.

Analytics and Reporting

PPC advertising lets you monitor your campaign’s progress instantly, which is a major benefit. We use advanced analytics tools to monitor your ads and make adjustments as needed. We offer reports that show how well your campaign is doing, so you can see the return on your investment.

Continuous Improvement

Creating a successful PPC campaign is an ongoing process, and at Smart Cow Marketing, we’re committed to continuous improvement. We constantly monitor and adjust your campaign to ensure it’s delivering maximum value for your business. We’re data driven. We constantly search for ways to enhance your PPC campaign and increase your online visibility. This is done through testing new ads, landing pages, and targeting strategies.

PPC Services

In today’s digital age, PPC advertising is essential for businesses looking to attract new customers and grow their revenue. However, creating and managing a successful PPC campaign requires expertise, experience, and a keen eye for detail. 

PPC Croydon

At Smart Cow Marketing, we have a proven track record of helping businesses of all sizes increase their visibility and achieve their goals through effective PPC advertising. By working with us, you can rest assured that your PPC campaign is in good hands and that you’ll see results that exceed your expectations. 

Contact us today to learn more about how a PPC strategy can help you increase your online presence and attract more customers through PPC advertising.

Google Ads Leads

5 Ways to Improve Your Google Ads Campaign and Get More Leads

In today’s digital world, businesses must have an online presence to succeed. One of the best ways to get noticed online is through Google Ads PPC (Pay Per Click) campaigns. By using this advertising platform, businesses can target specific keywords to reach their desired audience and get more leads. However, getting the most out of your Google Ads campaign can be challenging. It takes time, dedication, and a good strategy to make it work. Here are five tips on how to improve your Google Ads campaign and get more leads. 

Top 5 Tips for Your PPC Campaign

Target the Right Audience: The first step in optimising your Google Ads campaign is to target the right audience. You can achieve this by narrowing down your target audience based on demographics, interests, and geographical location. By doing so, you’ll ensure that your ads are seen by the people most likely to be interested in your products or services. 

Use Relevant Keywords: Keywords are essential for any Google Ads campaign. You should start by identifying the keywords and phrases your target audience is likely to search for. This way, you can use those specific keywords to optimise your ads. Google has a Keyword Planner tool that can help you find the most relevant keywords for your campaign. 

Create Compelling Ad Copy: Once you’ve targeted the right audience and selected the best keywords for your campaign, it’s essential to create compelling ad copy. Your ad copy should be engaging and persuasive, clearly explaining the benefits of your product or service. Be sure to use strong call-to-action statements that encourage potential customers to take action.  

Monitor Your Campaign: Once your Google Ads campaign is up and running, you must monitor its performance continuously. Check the metrics regularly, such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and average cost-per-click. By doing so, you can fine-tune your campaign to get the best results. Google offers recommendations for campaigns so keep an eye on but choose carefully as to what will truly be beneficial for your campaign. The optimisation indication provided by Google is a good benchmark to monitor too.   

Optimise Your Landing Pages: Your Google Ads campaign must lead to a landing page that’s optimised for conversions. You want to ensure that the web page has clear and concise information that matches the messaging used in your ad copy. Also, make sure that your landing page has a strong call-to-action that encourages visitors to take the desired action.

PPC Campaigns To Boost Your Online Prescence

Google Ads is an effective advertising platform that can help businesses grow their online presence and generate more leads. However, to get the most out of your campaign, you need to have a good strategy in place. By targeting the right audience, using relevant keywords, creating compelling ad copy, monitoring your campaign, and optimising your landing pages, you can significantly improve your Google Ads campaign’s performance.  

If you are currently running a Google Ads PPC Campaign, why not take advantage of our PPC Review Service? Our team can review your current campaign and provide advice if any improvements can be made to optimise your campaign further to generate leads.

Business Growth

7 reasons Google ads can help business growth

With over 3 billion searches being conducted on Google each day, there is a good chance that some of those searches are for products or services that your business offers. By running a Google Ads campaign – a form of online paid marketing i.e pay per click or PPC advertising – you can put your business in front of potential customers who are already interested in what you have to offer.

With Google ads being the most popular form of PPC, we’ve rounded up 7 reasons why you may want to consider Google ads to improve your lead generation activity and grow your business.  

1. Google Ads are affordable

One of the main reasons why small businesses should consider Google Ads is because it is an affordable way to reach a large audience. Google Ads allows businesses to set a budget for their campaigns and only pay when someone clicks on their ad. You can set a budget for your Google Ads campaign so that you don’t overspend.

2. Google Ads are effective

Google Ads are an effective way to reach potential customers. Google Ads allow businesses to target their ads to people who are searching for specific keywords related to their business. This means that businesses can be sure that their ads are being seen by people who are interested in what they have to offer.

3. Google Ads offer a variety of ad types

Google Ads offer a variety of ad types that businesses can use to reach their goals. For example, businesses can use text ads, image ads, video ads, and even product listing ads. This means that businesses have a lot of flexibility when it comes to choosing the right ad type for their needs.

4. Targeted advertising

Another benefit of Google Ads is that they allow you to target your advertising to specific groups of people. For example, you can target your ads to people in a certain geographic location or people who have visited your website in the past. This ensures that your ads are being seen by people who are most likely to be interested in what you have to offer.

5. Measurable

Another advantage of using Google Ads is that it is very easy to measure the results of campaigns so that you can see how effective your campaign is. Google provides businesses with detailed reports that show how many people saw and clicked on their ads. This information can be very valuable in helping businesses determine campaign success.

By tracking how many people have clicked on your ad, how many sales have been made as a result of your ad, and what keywords are performing well. This information can help you to adjust your campaign so that you get the best results possible.

6. Increased brand awareness

A Google Ads campaign can also help to increase brand awareness for your business. When people see your ads, they will start to become familiar with your brand and what you have to offer. This increased awareness can lead to more sales and more customers in the long run.

7. Google Ads can help businesses grow

One of the primary benefits of running a Google Ads campaign is that it can help you to reach more customers.

By reaching a larger audience and generating more leads, businesses can increase their sales and expand their operations.

PPC agency Croydon

Pay Per Click ads agency (PPC) can help your firm be found online and to stand out in local search results. Talk to us about setting up a Google ads campaign to promote your products and services.

PPC Pay-per-click

How PPC can help business owners attract staff

With job ads on the rise for some sectors by over 19% (according to Recruitment & Employment Confederation), how can a business owner boost the reach to cut through the noise and reach prospective applicants?

Conducting a Pay Per Click (PPC) campaign can help businesses create a truly targeted advert to promote the job role and convert to enquiries.

Pay Per Click (PPC) is online advertising which offers a very targeted way to reach your audience. It does what is says on the tin really. Advertisers pay when someone clicks on an advert that they have running.

The most common form of PPC service that advertisers use is paid search such as Google Adwords. This means that the ads will appear in relation to a relevant search typed into a search engine to find products or services.

So, if someone is looking for a job in a certain role and location, they will type that into Google and this is where the ads that are relevant will appear at the top of search.

While Google AdWords is the most popular, you can of course also run PPC campaigns on other search engines.

Be targeted

When you create your ad think of targeted keywords that you want to be found for in search and add these to your ads. Utilise the ‘ad strength’ guide when you create your ads to make sure that headlines and descriptions are well rated.

Create responsive search ads as well as text ads. This enables Google technology to create the best combination of title and text into the ad based on which is performing well.  

Add specific locations to your ads so that it targets people looking for jobs in that area.

Unlike a traditional advertising campaign, you can continually change online ads to reflect analysis. For instance, with Google Ads you can review regular recommendations for tailoring your ads even further. This means you can add or remove keywords or negative keywords. You can change the content of ads or snippets to help optimise performance. Insight also includes number of impressions, click through rate, conversions and cost per acquisition to measure return on investment.

Google AdWords certified 

Each year at Smart Cow Marketing we ensure that we are Google AdWords certified. We are now a Google Certified Partner and the only Google AdWords Partner in Croydon.  

While gaining the AdWords certification qualification year on year highlights our in-depth knowledge and expertise on the fundamentals of setting up and managing successful AdWords campaigns, being a Partner shows that Google trusts us even more with the support we offer clients. 

PPC agency Croydon

Whether you’re looking to recruit at your company or want to promote your services and products to your target audience, a Pay Per Click ads agency (PPC) can help your firm be found and to stand out in local search results.

With many digital marketing tactics whether social medianew website designsearch engine optimisation (SEO) or PPC management, we can help guide your online marketing.  

We can provide a tailored digital marketing strategy for your business needs. Book a free consultation.