Part 2: Digital marketing trends 2021

Here we look ahead to 2021 and the marketing trends to consider to help with your business growth strategy to attract quality leads.  We’ve already discussed agile marketing, personalisation and video in our previous Digital Marketing Trends 2021 instalment. Here we have a few further thoughts that you should look to consider in your marketing plan.

Webinar growth

There is no doubt that the way we work and live our daily lives has changed. Exhibitions and events were non existent in 2020 but everyone adapted with a significant boom in online conferences and regular webinars. This has opened doors to many businesses across sectors to reach out to their target audience in a way that would have been unimaginable before. Therefore, factoring in a webinar into your marketing plan could be a great way to reach potential new clients.   

Partnering with another local business that complements your services could be a great way to reach more people. What’s key is getting the right theme for your event, make sure you are giving advice that will encourage people to sign up.

If you don’t feel confident in running your own webinar then tap into local networking groups as many have started up monthly webinars. You can then pitch yourself forward as a panellist or provide an idea for a webinar.

Content marketing plan

So, this is not quite a trend as such but it’s a big tip to help you create a marketing strategy. The goal is to be consistent with messaging and to reach people at the right time. It’s really important to have insightful content as this is not just about brand awareness it’s about building trust with your target audience. What we mean by this is people don’t want to be sold to. They want to trust that what they hear from you will help them with their own challenges. They want to read insightful blogs that mean that time and again they click on your social media posts or open your emails over any other business. The potential customer knows that they are going to read or download something useful for them.

So, with this in mind, create a calendar for the year and month on month plot out what messages you will push out there. Plan what blogs you will write and time these with product launches, events, relevant awareness days and any other occasion relevant to your business and message at that time. This will help form structure and avoid a scatter gun approach.

SEO spotlight

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is at the core of a successful digital marketing strategy. Again, not a trend as such, however the reason we have a spotlight on SEO is that digital transformation has accelerated this year, therefore understanding how you can get the best from your website is vital as it’s your shop front to the world.

If you already have a website then start to think how can you make it better or optimise it in other words!

SEO will tie into your content marketing plan too. Every blog you write will need to be engaging and include keywords or rather long-tail keywords. Keywords refer to those phrases that you type into a search engine. Think about what a customer might type in to discover your services or products? Think like that and you are a step towards developing keywords for your content.

How to improve onsite SEO with keywords has some useful tips for keyword development.

Free digital marketing resources  

We’re a digital marketing agency in Croydon and we have the following resources you can tap into.

Free website review: Find out how to improve your website’s performance.  

Free digital marketing consultation: Our free consultation should be between 15 and 30 minutes. The goal is to provide you with thoughts on how to start an effective marketing campaign and for us both to see if it would benefit your firm. No obligation at all, we just want the best for you. 

Get in touch with us today to talk through your digital marketing campaign requirements whether email marketing, SEO, Social media marketing, video content or Pay Per Click.