Email marketing

How to use email as part of your marketing strategy

With a flurry of marketing activity and communication with existing clients when lockdown started, you could be forgiven for thinking that you can start to ease up on your communication. However, now is not the time to stop your marketing.

It’s so important to keep up the informative messages of support that you shared with clients and prospect at early lockdown stages. If your last email or social message was about closing your business or working remotely, you really need to start thinking about sharing up to date news to encourage client retention and new business.  

This is where email marketing can be so effective. With so many people working remotely, email acts as advertising for your virtual shop window. Rather than strolling down the street looking at a shop or business window, the billboard is coming to your email inbox.  

Here’s three tips when considering email marketing as part of your communications strategy.  

1. Targeted email marketing content  

When you write your emails always write to your target audience. It’s always a good idea to think that you are sending your email to one person so you can make content really personal. With relevant content it will help with open rate for a more successful email marketing campaign.  

Our blog on creating an online persona for your business can help you with getting your content really targeted to your audience.  

Remember to offer useful tips and advice, industry insight as well as highlight any relevant offers you are providing that may help their business. 

2. Cleanse your email lists 

With huge changes to businesses due to COVID, cleansing your email distribution list should be high on your agenda.  

If you’ve distributed emails during this time then you’ll be aware of a higher bounce rate then perhaps you have done previously, this will be due to businesses changing staff, furloughed staff and unfortunately companies having to reduce employees.  

Monitor the bounce rate and make changes accordingly. It’s better to have a smaller mailing list of qualified and quality contacts than a large list of emails that don’t reach their recipient.  

All the while you must make sure that your emails are GDPR compliant. Ensure that you have a visible and clear unsubscribe option in the footer when you distribute your email.

If you have a pop-up box on your website to gather email addresses then ensure that you are transparent in that you are using their email for your e-newsletter updates and nothing else.  

We can help you with adding this pop-up call-to-action function to your website to encourage potential customers to sign up to receive your e-shots.

3. Keep in regular contact  

As part of you content marketing plan factor in a weekly or monthly e-newsletter. However regular is up to you. It’s about what you think you can manage to ensure that you remain consistent. If you send a monthly round up of news, then make sure you send this on the first working day of every month.    

As part of this consistency ensure you have a branded email template that you can update each time, this helps with brand awareness, a professional look and recipients become more familiar with you.

A great time saver for content is to repurpose blogs that you write throughout the month. You can edit content down for your e-newsletter. Then add a link with a click through back to the full article to read more.  

Email marketing agency London

We’re a digital marketing company with offices in London and Croydon. We offer a range of inbound marketing tactics for businesses including email marketing for accountants, professional services firms and SMEs.

Book a free consultation with us to chat about your next email campaign, growing your email distribution list and using email as a lead generator.

Digital marketing for accountants

6 digital marketing tactics for accountancy firms

With many of us now remote working and embedded in the virtual world, the importance of presence online has never been so important.

If you’re an accountancy practice looking to ramp up online marketing activity or need a little advice on where to start, here’s our lowdown on the digital marketing tactics to think about and incorporate into your marketing strategy.

Website optimisation  

We always start with a website review. Take a look at the content and check that it’s up to date. Then delve a little deeper and check whether all the information is on your website that you would except if you were a visitor to the site.

Don’t make it difficult for people to find things. Don’t be fancy. Make your menu and page content clear so that it’s easy for your website users to navigate. Be informative and professional, yet friendly and approachable.

When reading through your current website content, in the back of your mind always be thinking about what people search for when they are looking for accountancy services. These phrases should then become your keywords. Then make sure you have these keywords within content on your website.

Having keywords in your H1 and H2 headers will also help highlight what’s on that page to search engines.

On the backend make sure that you also have your meta descriptions and alt tags completed. This will also help with SEO (Search Engine Optimisation).

Read more about SEO with our blogs, Improve local SEO by creating local content and 6 SEO tips to improve search ranking.


Don’t ever think that blogging isn’t for an accountancy practice. With the amount of regular updates for businesses from HMRC, and a lot more right now, there’s heaps of information to be talking about and informing your existing clients as well as your prospects. Be factual with content – offer tips, latest government updates, industry statistics and insight.

Writing blogs or having a news page is a great way to get fresh content onto your website which is what you need to help your accountancy practice be found in search engine results pages.

It’s a great way for you to add in those keywords you’ve researched too.

Google My Business

Make sure you’ve populated Google My Business with details of your firm. This is free to do and at the very least make sure you get the basic information up there about your company, such as website, telephone number, contact email and opening times. This all helps with SEO and it’s another place that you can be found in search.

You can have the chance to add updates too. So you can repurpose your blogs and add the content here as well. It adds quality links back to your website which is another thing that search engines look for to help understand the authority of your page.

Pay Per Click

Pay Per Click (PPC) is a great way to help increase traffic to your website. We recommend having a specific landing page created for a PPC campaign so that when people you are targeting click on an ad they will be taken to a relevant page. This helps reduce bounce rates and attracts quality leads.

A well targeted PPC campaign can help give you a real boost in search results and a way to reach your potential customers.

Social media marketing

A Facebook or Twitter account with up to date detail of your firm ensures you have visibility on two of the largest search engines. Whilst it may not lead to direct sales, they are great brand awareness platforms.

LinkedIn is a great channel for accountancy firms. With LinkedIn it’s worth remembering that you’re networking. It’s not about selling it’s about creating that business relationship.

So, if you’re not already regularly posting on a social media platform, perhaps now is the time to explore this for your accountancy practice. Look at your competitors and see what social networks they have presence. It makes sense to be in the same place.

Read our blog on the different social media platforms and how to use them for more insight.

Email marketing

A targeted email marketing campaign can have a significant impact on Return on Investment (ROI). What’s great about email is you can repurpose content you already have from blogs or it’s a great way to highlight updates to services.

But what’s key is that you make your email campaign personal. Really think about the person who has signed up to receive your emails and what they want to hear about. They are a target audience so think about how your email can benefit them. If it’s sharing news about latest legislation that they should be aware of or some interesting stats that can help their business planning or growth, then that’s of interest.

Our blog on email marketing benefits for your business has some further detail on the structure of your emails, through to the importance of mobile optimisation and analysis.

Digital marketing for accountants 

We provide digital marketing for accountants with bases in Croydon and London. 

Take advantage of our free website review and download our Beginner’s Guide to Inbound Marketing to help you on your digital marketing journey. Or book a free consultation to chat further about your goals for your accounting practice and we can tailor a proposal for you.

Man working on laptop using marketing automation

Why Smart Cow became a HubSpot agency

We know that a sales journey is very rarely a one-stop shop. Your customers and prospects will have visited your competition’s website, researched your services and looked at online reviews long before they start speaking to you. As a result, you need to stand out from the competition and become a lead generation magnet.  

This is why we became a HubSpot agency in London. We understand that the day to day running of your business will take up your time. So, we partnered with HubSpot so that we could provide our clients with the latest in Automated Marketing Software to help with your marketing strategy and help free up time.

What does HubSpot software offer?

HubSpot software allows you to track activity and leads from your inbound marketing such as social media, website or email marketing campaigns, and other forms of content marketing you use.

You can organise and nurture relationships to help you convert a prospect to a client in a timely manner, that’s suitable for them, this can lead to more client success.

Think about when you look at a website and you get a friendly chat bot appearing or what about the email you receive once you’ve downloaded a report from a website?

HubSpot provides the capability to automate these repetitive tasks to help you concentrate on managing your client relationships and target audiences.

All these automated touchpoints are vital for nurturing leads and can help up your marketing game against your competition. This is data driven and can show you the result of your inbound sales, and where your new customer acquisition originates from.

Discover the benefits of automation

As a professional digital marketing and inbound marketing agency in London, we’re offering you a chance to discover the benefits of the HubSpot software and how it can help your business. We’d be delighted to arrange a free test of this great sales and marketing platform.

Go ahead, book a free consultation. As well as this we discover what we can do for your business with our digital marketing services, inbound marketing strategies, social media marketing and much more.

Digital Marketing written in pen

What is digital marketing?

Digital Marketing is all about marketing communication that we consume via digital devices, that is, laptop, PC or smart phone and of course through the internet.

This means that beyond the adverts you may see in print or in leaflets, brands can reach their target audience using a wide range of tactics through digital marketing services including website Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) e.g. using Google Ads, search engines, social media, email marketing, video, advertising campaigns etc. With the analytics and insights available as a result of using digital marketing, you can really keep track on what resonates with your audience by monitoring what works and what doesn’t.  

Digital marketing encompasses

  1. Website design & Development
  2. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
  3. Social Media Marketing
  4. Pay Per Click (PPC)
  5. Remarketing / Banner advertising
  6. Email Marketing
  7. Inbound Marketing
  8. Content Marketing
  9. Marketing Automation  

The evolution of marketing automation

With digital marketing continuously evolving, changing beyond recognition in just the last 10 years alone, the possibilities for communicating with a potential audience are endless. With access to a raft of channels in our daily lives and different ways to seek out the brands we want to know about, digital marketing also includes marketing automation.

Perhaps deemed the new kid on the block, marketing automation is not to be overlooked. It not only frees up time by automating repetitive tasks, it also allows tailored automated responses, tracking of prospects activity on a website as well as chat bot automation…you get the picture. In short it offers more marketing opportunities. Align this with a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system and the data and analytics at your fingertips to help you grow your business are sometimes beyond comprehension.

Using digital marketing to its full potential for your business

It’s highly likely that at some point in your daily routine you’re using some sort of digital marketing activity in your business. Whether that be through social media, an email to customers or writing a blog for your website. However, by pulling these tactics together you can start to formulate your digital marketing strategy to target the right audience for your business which will enable growth.

Smart Cow is a digital marketing agency in Croydon, we work across a range of industries including the accounting sector. We look at the products and services on an accounting firm and see best how to put them high up on the landing page for the accounting market.

Get a Free Consultation here.

Further reading to help you develop your digital marketing strategy