What should I write on a social media post?

When it comes to posting on social media for your business, do you often find yourself struggling for what to say as you feel you’ve exhausted all your ideas for the month?

Well, here are a few tips to help you schedule your social posts over the next month or two to write engaging content for your audience. And, for more inspiration, why not download our eBook with 365 days of social media ideas so you never get stuck again.

1. What’s topical?

At the beginning of the month, do a quick check to find out what national days there are and if the month is associated with any initiative. For example, June is #Pride month and if you’re in the UK there are Jubilee celebrations galore as we celebrate the Platinum Jubilee with street parties and events. It’s also World Environment Day (5 June) and World Social Media Day (30 June), so get thinking of some relevant posts for your business and use those hashtags.

2. The hashtag stalwarts

Speaking of hashtags, there are some great hashtag stalwarts of social media to tap into to not only help spread the reach of your business but give you inspiration when you get a little stuck for what to say.

#Throwback – did you attend a recent event, that’s worthy of another mention?

#MondayMotivation #WednesdayWisdom #ThursdayThoughts – Do you have any tips, business hacks or motivational quotes you can share?

#Photooftheday #PicOfTheday – Does what it says on the tin really! But make sure it’s a good image that will create standout.

#Instagood – We had to mention this as it’s one of the most popular hashtags at 1.150billion. However, a word of caution, just because it is popular doesn’t mean you will get more views. You may find that you are somewhat a needle in the haystack especially if it’s not a hashtag relevant to your post.

3. Video

With social media video generating over 1200% more shares than an image with text, it makes sense to be introducing video into your social content. You can do this quite simply on your phone with simply editing. When you post on social, don’t forget to post as a Story as week as a Reel on Instagram to help extend your reach.

In our eBook, we provide you with ideas on the types of posts you can share each day of the year, from national days through to polls and talking about your personal business journey.

These tips will not only help you engage with your existing audience, but they’ll also assist in increasing visibility on your social channels.

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It’s easy for businesses to neglect their social media, as posting every day can be difficult and time-consuming when you’re unsure as to what you should post.

We understand the pressures on business owners to continually create ongoing engaging content on a regular basis through social media.

That’s why we created our 365 days of social media posts cheat sheet, so that you never run out of ideas again!

In this guide, we provide you with ideas on the types of posts you can share each day of the year, from national days through to polls and talking about your personal business journey.

These tips will not only help you engage with your existing audience, they’ll also assist you in increasing your visibility on your social channels and attracting new business.

Keep your social posts up to date with the latest events and trends with our cheat sheet of 365 days of ideas for social media posts.