Maintain presence through social media

As we start to adjust to our new ‘normal’ working from home, having meetings via video and keeping in doors to stave off coronavirus, now is a good time to take stock of your current social channels for your business and how it fits into your overall marketing strategy and search engine results. Make the most of your channels and continue to maintain presence over the next few months.   

In this blog, we’ll give you a few tips to help you with your social media presence as well as ideas for making your content more targeted.  

Who are you marketing too?  

It’s important to be targeted. You need to know and understand your audience. Now could be a good time to take a look at who your core customer is and really understand their needs as business owners. Once you’ve defined your audience, use this insight as the basis for creating a persona for them, read more about setting this up.  

By having the details of the persona to hand when you write social media posts, or any content for that matter, this will help you provide answers to their questions and help them overcome their challenges. Ultimately you want to build trust with your audience.      

Content marketing  

Build a social media strategy and tailor your social media posts to the platform, its users and your target audience – your potential clients. A chatty tone for Facebook or Instagram will differ to the messages you want to get across on LinkedIn.  

Whichever social network, remember to be a thought leader to your audience. You can do this by providing tips, advice and comments that your target audience will be interested to hear about and would want to share themselves.  

Right now, writing blogs, email marketing, or creating ad campaigns about the government’s coronavirus advice for businesses and access to grants is a great way for accounting firms to keep in touch with their clients to help give some reassurance to large and small businesses alike at this unprecedented time.  

It’s important to get the right tone of voice for the social platform you’re using. But, that’s the beauty of taking the time to research and create a persona. Now you know the right messages for your target audience. 

Avoid sales on social  

Ironically in order to drive sales you have to refrain from using textbook sales techniques on social media platforms. This is meant to be a social environment and people are generally not there to be sold to. Especially at this time, businesses are looking for advice, tips and how to guides to help them get through the challenging times.  

Have a think about what tips you can offer your target audience and create a blog and a few image led social posts centred around your helpful tips.  

Due to these unprecedented times, it’s less about lead generation and more about being helpful and supportive with your content marketing. Think of how you can support local businesses at this difficult time.

Review your social media channels  

Social media management for your company is key, however it is important to note there’s clear answer as to what the right social media platform for your business is to reach out to your client base. It’s worth remembering that one size does not fit all. Take the time to review what platforms are right for your business, brand and the prospective clients you want to reach out to. 

By maintaining presence through social media and new blogs on your website can help in the long term with your website ranking in search results.

For support on social media communications and other marketing services please schedule a free consultation with Smart Cow Marketing which is a social media agency in Croydon

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