Tips to kick start your Instagram account

With the new year underway and plans a plenty for kick starting the year with the goal of getting your business message out there, considering a digital marketing strategy will help set you on your way. So, if you’re embarking on a social media push, we’ve got a few tips for you in our series of blogs. Here, we explore Instagram. Instagram’s a great way for businesses to raise brand awareness, while also interacting with their consumers.

Company bio

First things first, what do you do? The space for your company bio offers 150 characters to spell out what you do. With such a limited amount of words take a bit of time to think about what you should include. Think about who your target audience is? Make sure the phrases you use are relevant to them.

Contact details

Remember to add a call to action as well as a telephone number or email address so potential customers can get in touch.

It is important to include your website details in your bio too as in an Instagram post you can’t click on links, so make sure you have a link in your bio. You will often see people write ‘link in bio’ when they post, so when you have a new blog on your website simply update the web address so you have a direct link to it. Then change it when you have something new you want to highlight.

Be visual

Include emojis in your bio to make it visual, but make sure they are relevant, for example if you are a photographer use a camera emoji.

Make your page visual, from time to time check that your homepage looks consistent. If you have a couple of blurry images these will look out of place if all the other posts are pristine.


Research relevant hashtags to not only use in your posts but also think about creating one for your products or services. Use it in your bio to help extend reach and encourage others to share images with that hashtag. For example, Caffe Nero uses #CoffeeAndBlue in its bio. This way customers can share their lovely coffee images and Caffe Nero has a way of seeing what is posted. They can then easily choose images to repost – but don’t forget to credit the instagrammer when you repost.


Keep your posts succinct and to the point with the aim of directing traffic to your website for more detail, offers, tips and advice.

Social media agency Croydon

Drop us a line on 020 3137 1826 or email if you have any questions about social media for your business and developing a digital marketing strategy.