Video content strategy that will help with your inbound marketing

Video strategy to make your business grow

With 85% of customers more likely to make a purchase after watching a product video*, it makes sense to consider video as part of your digital marketing strategy. Including video content within your communications plan can really enhance your sales strategy.

We’re constantly driving home that content is key. However, what this statistic indicates is that it’s not just about the written word for SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) purposes, it’s also about the visual content.

As we’ve mentioned in previous blogs, your content needs to be targeted to your audience and this goes for video content too. This means, relevant script, tagline and call to action.

A simple way to record a video is through the Twitter app and from there it’s possible for you to share it. But make sure it’s well lit, you make just one point and you keep content succinct. Also think about a specific hashtag for your campaign as you can own this, ask your audience to share with it and help extend reach as well as have a gallery of related images.

You can also live-stream via Twitter and other channels such as Facebook and Instagram, which have a story function for live feeds. If you are using video on your social media channels then here’s a few stats to bear in mind:

  • 100 million hours of video a day are watched on Facebook**.
  • 85% of videos on Facebook are watched without sound, therefore captioning your video is essential**.  
  • 60% will stop watching a video by 2 minutes** – so make sure you get your message across well within this time.


A great way to host your video content which can be linked to from blogs and social is via YouTube. With over 5 billion videos watched on YouTube every single day**, the business opportunities for using this channel should not be overlooked.


You’ll find recording on your phone easy for short soundbites offering your target audience tips and advice. For a more detailed video that you’d perhaps like to share on YouTube, think about a tripod and camera for this. There’s an abundance of editing tools out thee including free channels such as Adobe Spark to help you create simple image and text led video.

But what you should be mindful of is the story. Don’t just post videos because you’ve been told they will gain more likes or shares you still need to have good and relevant content.

Book a Practice Growth Session

If you feel you need some support in getting the content of your digital marketing strategy up to speed, then get in touch with us today. As an inbound marketing agency in London, helping you draw up a content marketing plan to keep you on track and get creative with video and blog content to attract your target audience is one of many services we offer.

We also run Practice Growth Sessions which are tailored for businesses keen to grow and ready to invest in a digital marketing campaign to achieve their goals. You can book a session with us for £95.

inbound marketing video

YouTube tips for your business

We’re constantly driving home that content is key. Although, it’s not just about the written word and keeping your blog page up to date, it’s also about the visual content and ensuring you start to feed in video on your social channels and website. But it’s not about posting any old video, it’s so important that your video content is also targeted to your audience, with a relevant script, tagline and call to action.

A great way to host your video content which can be linked to from blogs and social is via YouTube. With over 1.8 billion users on YouTube every month, the business opportunities for using this channel should not be overlooked.

Hootsuite has a great 10-step marketing strategy if you’re new to YouTube. It covers tips on creating the channel through to the importance of researching your competition. As well as how to optimise your videos for SEO and tips on working with an influencer. You can take a look at the top tips here.

Talk to us ,your London based inbound marketing agency, about your digital marketing needs and we’ll advise of the best combination of social channels and tactics to utilise to make you stand out from the crowd.

Snapchat for business

Snapchat for business

Snapchat’s Spectacles offer a handsfree way to capture the world around you as you see it. This exciting invention has recently been revised to be waterproof, with better camera quality and comes in an array of colours. The previous generation of glasses may have not sold well but the added extras could prove popular. Here’s some highlights.


The social network, Snapchat, has attracted more than 173 million daily users. And no wonder it’s so popular; Snapchat is a fun creative way to immediately share content with friends through photos, videos and text. Its strap line: ‘The fastest way to share a moment!’ You can connect with people worldwide, follow your favourite celebrities, use a variety of funny filters or special effects, and even catch up on the news.

Although it seems that Snapchat is dominated by younger people, with 60% being under 25, the older generation is getting to grips with Snapchat and usage is growing, even much-loved TV presenter Philip Schofield uses it daily – although, as some in the office know him from children’s TV, we wouldn’t call him old! So, it seems to appear that Snapchat is becoming an app phenomenon loved by people of all ages.

Snapchat Channel

With so many users, businesses are tapping into it to promote their services or products. It is advertising on a budget, or in some cases for free. Starbucks has successfully used Snapchat to increase exposure, Kylie Cosmetics by Kylie Jenner also uses Snapchat, and she has claimed to have spent hardly any money on advertising by utilising it.

Snapchat Ads

The great thing about Snapchat is that it’s a platform that small businesses can use to raise awareness. Snapchat Ads allow you to record a 10 second video that will show in between people’s stories, and with so many users per day this an opportunity not to be missed.


At the end of the day it won’t matter how much time you spend creating Ads for Snapchat, if the content isn’t up to scratch you won’t be gaining followers. Ensure your ads are unique and appealing to the audience you want to target. Look at how other successful ads work via the Snapchat platform and be sure to take inspiration from them.

Social media agency Croydon

If you want advice in making your business stand out on social media contact Smart Cow we’re here to help. As one of the leading digital marketing agencies in Croydon, we are happy to aid you in any way possible.