Old Skool Tech

Old Skool Tech

From floppy disks to USB sticks, The A-Z book to google maps, record players to tiny iPods with their infinite music libraries; technology has evolved dramatically but trends show we’re still being influenced by our love of technology gone by.

Children of today might not know how to tell the time on an analogue clock, or may think a typewriter is a bingo machine*, however they are still somewhat cultured in old school tech. Most likely learning through beloved TV shows and films such as; Stranger Things – born from the 80’s, Super 8 – a film named after a vintage 60’s camera, and Guardians of the Galaxy featuring a Walkman and a cassette with hits from the 70’s and 80’s.

The demand for newer and better technology is high and this demand is also seen in the classroom with many apps and games developed with an educational theme. A popular app being ‘Kahoot!’, allowing teachers to create and share games and quizzes via those connected on the app. And, with high demand for jobs in coding including web development, what better way to ensure there are coders of the future than to create games teaching 3-year olds how to code – such as Cubetto.

But, there’s still something fashionable about old school tech. Despite the fact we can have any song at our fingertips, industry figures are showing that vinyl record sales have gone up by 53% on 2015 and sales are experiencing a 25 year high**. People seem to be drawn to retro pastel coloured record players as they head to second-hand record shops to purchase their vintage sounds.

Technology is everywhere, influencing our daily lives; in schools, during leisure activities and in our businesses. Society clearly embraces its every twist and turn, but there’ll always be space in our hearts for yesteryear.

Sources: *bbc.co.uk ; **The Guardian