How to use different social media platforms

The different social media platforms and how to use them

Social media is one of the many tools of digital marketing. It is a quick way to get your message out, cost-effective and an efficient way to promote your business to potential clients and consumers. You’re able to reach out to prospects at the click of a button. Social media also helps you to engage with your audience through an open line of communication. But with so many social media channels out there it is important to utilise the right social media platforms relevant to your business to get the most out of it.

Take a look through some of the most popular social media platforms and see if there’s something for your business:


Via Instagram you can discover new trends, people, and businesses through sharing images to followers. You can use hashtags to spread the reach of your messages to people who are interested in the type of content you produce. Ensure you post regularly with hashtags and note what posts get the most likes or comments to guide you in future posts. Think visually and create a themed Instagram feed to really help showcase what your business is about. Instagram is very popular with engagement on Instagram 15 times higher than it is on Facebook!


Facebook, some might say, is slowly coming to the end of its popularity, but this doesn’t mean you can completely overlook it, especially if you are trying to appeal to a slightly older audience. You can easily add links to blogs or upcoming projects or create events. You can also use Facebook messenger to interact with your audience and fill them in on any news they may find interesting. You are able to create live videos to further engage your audience. It’s more consumer focused so getting that tone right for your audience is key.


Now there’s no excuse not to network. Linkedin is a business2business channel with networking at its core allowing you to connect with other professionals, clients, colleagues, prospects and employers. You can promote yourself by showcasing your achievements and what your business is about. Produce engaging content to encourage likes, shares and connections. LinkedIn helps boost your business brand and profile.


Snapchat allows you to post live photos or videos instantly to your audience. These stay online for 24hrs, so it is important to upload every day. You post via ‘Stories’ which can be viewed by anyone subscribed to your Snapchat. Snapchat is great if your target audience is slightly younger as 71% of Generation Z (born between 1995-2015) use Snapchat daily. To ensure a successful Snapchat following, promote your Snapchat account on other social media channels.


YouTube can be used to discover new things going on in the local area, nationwide, or even globally, so it is perfect for whatever audience you have. To get views you need to have an enticing title and thumbnail. You also need a continuous flow of content, perhaps once or twice a week. You are also able to use tags, keywords and categories to help your video appear higher up in YouTube searches.


With a Twitter account your bio is a quick opportunity to showcase what your brand is about in 160 characters. Track when is the perfect time to tweet. Twitter peak hours tend to be around 1-3pm on weekdays, the worst times to post are after 8pm and after 3pm on Fridays. Content needs to be regular and more often than other channels. Like other channels, spread your reach with relevant hashtags – but not too many on this channel.

Keep it relevant

The most important factors to consider when it comes to using social media marketing is to post frequently, connect all your social media channels together through links, and engage with your audience. Utilise all the channels at your disposable, as long as they are relevant to your business, and set aside time in your day to work on your social media platforms.

Social media marketing agency

If you need help and advice on using social media and a successful marketing tool, then get in touch with Smart Cow Marketing. Digital marketers based in Croydon, we can help create a professional marketing plan tailored to your business. Call us on 020 3137 1826

Snapchat for business

Snapchat for business

Snapchat’s Spectacles offer a handsfree way to capture the world around you as you see it. This exciting invention has recently been revised to be waterproof, with better camera quality and comes in an array of colours. The previous generation of glasses may have not sold well but the added extras could prove popular. Here’s some highlights.


The social network, Snapchat, has attracted more than 173 million daily users. And no wonder it’s so popular; Snapchat is a fun creative way to immediately share content with friends through photos, videos and text. Its strap line: ‘The fastest way to share a moment!’ You can connect with people worldwide, follow your favourite celebrities, use a variety of funny filters or special effects, and even catch up on the news.

Although it seems that Snapchat is dominated by younger people, with 60% being under 25, the older generation is getting to grips with Snapchat and usage is growing, even much-loved TV presenter Philip Schofield uses it daily – although, as some in the office know him from children’s TV, we wouldn’t call him old! So, it seems to appear that Snapchat is becoming an app phenomenon loved by people of all ages.

Snapchat Channel

With so many users, businesses are tapping into it to promote their services or products. It is advertising on a budget, or in some cases for free. Starbucks has successfully used Snapchat to increase exposure, Kylie Cosmetics by Kylie Jenner also uses Snapchat, and she has claimed to have spent hardly any money on advertising by utilising it.

Snapchat Ads

The great thing about Snapchat is that it’s a platform that small businesses can use to raise awareness. Snapchat Ads allow you to record a 10 second video that will show in between people’s stories, and with so many users per day this an opportunity not to be missed.


At the end of the day it won’t matter how much time you spend creating Ads for Snapchat, if the content isn’t up to scratch you won’t be gaining followers. Ensure your ads are unique and appealing to the audience you want to target. Look at how other successful ads work via the Snapchat platform and be sure to take inspiration from them.

Social media agency Croydon

If you want advice in making your business stand out on social media contact Smart Cow we’re here to help. As one of the leading digital marketing agencies in Croydon, we are happy to aid you in any way possible.