Explore more Social channels

Is it time for SMEs to explore more social channels?

Some companies run their entire business through Facebook, so with all the recent news about the social media channel and the #DeleteFacebook campaign, is it time for SME’s to explore other channels to spread the word of their business?

Social media for business

Facebook for business can be great. The channel has helped many businesses promote their services or products. You can target your audience, share news, showcase product launches, and create events, but as a business is it the best plan to put all your eggs into one basket? With advertising only on one social media channel you are essentially isolating yourself from reaching quality potential customers who are on another channel.

To successfully target an audience, you should be in the mix. If you want an audience made up of Millennials then you’ll need to re-evaluate how you use social media. Instagram, Snapchat and YouTube are all more popular among teens than Facebook*. Furthermore with many leaving Facebook, your audience might be exploring new platforms.

Is it time you had a website?

The Facebook scandal on the misuse of user data has left many people feeling unsafe, and confused. Almost in an attempt of remedying itself, Facebook has introduced a new tool. The tool enables you not only to delete your account, but see and delete the data being collected and prevent any further data collection. Perhaps this is a way of encouraging people to stay on the site as it leaves users feeling like they are back in control of their profile. Despite this, people have been deleting their Facebook profile, including celebrities and big companies.

With this in mind, if you don’t already have a website, is it time you considered creating a website for your business? This way you have a platform that is your own that you can drive your inbound marketing to, rather than to one social media platform.

So, is it the beginning of the end for Facebook? We don’t think it is going anywhere fast. It is still the most popular social network out there followed by YouTube and WhatsApp**.

Social media Croydon

If you want advice in making your business stand out on social media contact Smart Cow, your Croydon based digital marketing agency, today.

Sources: *www.emarketer.com and **www.statista.com