Keyboard shopping cart for remarketing

Understanding how remarketing can grow your business

Have you ever seen those ads that follow you around the internet? A few days ago you searched for something online and then an ad for it shows up on a completely different website a few days later. This is remarketing and a very useful tool it is too.

Sales very rarely result from a smooth journey from ‘A’ to ‘B’. It normally takes a few side roads to get to the end goal and remarketing helps you guide people along the journey.

We’ve talked before about ease of navigation on your own website and in a similar way remarketing is another way of helping to reconnect visitors back to your website. As people scroll through Google the remarketing ads appear in a strategic position on the page.

It’s helping to increase brand awareness and trust for your product and services.

Benefits of remarketing

Here’s some of the benefits of remarketing to help drive sales and awareness of your brand:

  • You can really target your audience. When someone has added items to a shopping cart on your website but then disappears without completing a transaction, you can create a remarketing list specifically focussing on these people.
  • Be found. Remarketing is another way of getting you found online. Ads can show when clients are searching for your business on Google which really reinforces your brand message.
  • Be creative. It’s easy to create ads via the Google Ad gallery layouts which helps you to create an eye-catching campaign.
  • Increase sales. Conversion rates are more likely to increase overtime. The more users see an ad, the more brand awareness and trust is built. Although you’ll find that the CTR (click through rate) declines over time, the people who do click are more likely to convert to a sale

While cost for a remarketing ad can be a lot lower than a standard Pay Per Click ad campaign, both can work in tandem with each other to really reinforce the message of who you are.

Running remarketing ads on Google and Facebook is a great combination.

Book a Practice Growth Session

If you feel you need some support in getting your website optimised with a paid for digital marketing campaign, then get in touch with us today.

We also run Practice Growth Sessions which are tailored for businesses keen to grow and ready to invest in a digital marketing campaign to achieve their goals. You can book a session with us for £95.

PPC Agency

Where organic misses pay per click can hit

Pay Per Click (PPC) campaigns create adverts online so when your business is not being viewed in the natural results you can give it a little nudge with a paid campaign. While it can be somewhat complicated, as Google certified, we at Smart Cow can help small businesses navigate the terminology with a tailored campaign.

In this blog, we’ll run through AdWords management and the types of PPC campaigns you can implement.

Google AdWords

With a whopping 1 billion+ using Google search every month, it makes sense that your website is seen in search. While appearing on the first of a search engine results page in organic search is the goal, if your website is new you need to give it a bit of time before your keywords and phrases start to take effect. So, this is where a paid campaign can give your website a boost in search as a paid for ad will pop up towards the top of the first page of search.

Essentially AdWords Accounts are structured starting with a Campaign level, you can set up a number of Campaigns within this. Each Campaign then has AdGroups, so you can focus on really targeting your messaging. For example, you may want to focus on promoting CRM software so that would form one AdGroup within the Campaign. But then, in time, you may decide to push another product so therefore you can create another AdGroup. Each AdGroup can then have a number of Ads so you can have a range of messaging per AdGroup. You can then ‘throttle up’ or ‘down’ individual ads depending on how they are preforming. Then be specific with your keywords and the geographic area you’re targeting.

Social Media

For the purpose of this blog we’re looking at paid for campaigns and a PPC campaign also applies to social media too. Although it’s worth noting that with all the social channels available at your fingertips, one size does not fit all. You need to carefully consider which channel is best for your business. If you’ve not already set up your channels, take a look at how we help our customers with their social media.

If you’re underway
with your social channels and are looking for a boost in followers or click
through to a special offer, then a PPC campaign can help. Our blogs on how to
boost posts for Instagram, Facebook and Twitter will give you an
idea of what you can do and how to do it from selecting a budget, attracting
more profile visits, increasing website traffic and choosing your

Keep your
messages simple

Remember who your target audience is when you tailor your messaging. Most PPC campaigns have a limited number of words you can use, so be clear and concise, this will also improve your quality score (where Google ranks the relevancy and originality in your PPC ads) . Campaigns that are very specific to the service, product and price are much more successful than a generic advert.

PPC Expert Croydon

If you feel you need some support in setting up a PPC campaign and all things PPC Marketing then get in touch with us today.

We also run Practice Growth Sessions which are tailored for businesses keen to grow and ready to invest in a digital marketing campaign to achieve their goals. You can book a session with us for £95.

Sources: Business Insider via Search Engine Journal

Accountant working on laptop

The user experience of a website is fundamental to growth

Have you ever wondered why customers leave their shopping cart without completing? Or only visit your homepage without clicking through to other pages? This could all be down to the user experience: how easy it is to navigate; how relevant and; how up to date the content is. Sounds simple, but if you don’t get it right it can easily impact on sales and business growth.

We’ve gathered together some top tips on what to consider if you’re embarking on a website update or totally new design.

Looking good

It goes without saying that your website needs to look good. It needs to reflect your brand, be image led and enticing to potential and existing customers. But it’s not all about looks. We’ve previously spoken about developing a target persona for your brand and ensuring that your website takes into account your target audience with appropriate keywords, phrases and imagery!

Ultimately you want to speak in the same language as your customers do and get across why your services or products are right for them. It’s also worth noting that you want to solve their problems so think about how your product and services can do this.

Easy to navigate

So, you may have got people to visit your website, but you need to keep them there and you haven’t got long to make an impression. If someone can’t find what they want in 3 seconds, especially if they’ve come to you because of a well worded social media post or Pay Per Click Campaign, you will lose them. Websites need to be basic and simple and if you’ve said in a marketing campaign to ‘click here’ about a certain product or service, then a customer wants to see exactly that.

Make sure you have very clear call to action buttons and arrows to draw the eye to areas of the website. Bold and contrasting colours can also help with navigation.

Bounce rate

If you’ve failed the 3 second rule, then customers are likely to ‘bounce’ off your website. When we start working with clients, we do an analysis of their website which tells us the current bounce rate – we then work with you to tailor messaging so that this rate lowers over time and converts. But you will find it hard to tailor messaging if you haven’t done the process of creating a target persona. Read our blog on how you should develop this persona for your business. 

The Path Forward

The relationship between a well-designed website and business growth is unequivocal. Enhancing user experience is an investment in your brand’s future, necessitating a thoughtful approach to design, content, and technology. If the prospect of undertaking a user experience redesign seems daunting, professional assistance can provide the expertise needed to transform your website into a potent tool for engagement and conversion.

We encourage all businesses to critically assess their online presence and consider the profound benefits of prioritising user experience. The potential rewards, in terms of customer satisfaction and business growth, are truly limitless.



Why you can entrust your Google AdWords to Smart Cow

Each year at Smart Cow Marketing we ensure that we are Google AdWords certified. This is probably one of the most important certifications there is with regards to Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and in particular Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising. It is an important credential for marketers and one that is not lightly awarded. Receiving a Google AdWords certification means that Smart Cow Marketing continues to be recognised as being experts in digital marketing and PPC.

To achieve certification, a business is required to pass a Fundamentals exam as well as exams for areas of their expertise. Smart Cow has managed to stand out in two areas which are Google Ad Search and Display Advertising.

In order to pass, businesses have to learn extensive academy content working through numerous modules for Google Ads Search and Google Ads Display which are regularly updated and completed time-based exams with a minimum pass of 80%.

Break down of the exams…

The compulsory fundamentals exam covers all the basic and intermediate concepts such as; benefits of AdWords, online advertising, the most efficient ways to manage and optimise AdWords campaigns.

Our Google Ad Search certification means we know how to successfully manage and optimise search ad campaigns in order to help businesses attract an audience.

Passing the display advertising exam means we can use advanced concepts to create display campaigns, which are advertisements on websites, apps, or social media platforms through banners and various other advertising formats.

Why don’t you try the sample quiz below to see how you do?

[onionbuzz quizid=1][/onionbuzz]

Pay per click Croydon

Being Google Ads certified means we provide the best and most professional advice for your businesses digital marketing campaigns.

We’re really proud of this achievement and are always looking out for more ways in which Smart Cow Digital Marketing can be even more qualified to help your business. Call us on 020 3137 1826 or drop us an email on

Find out more about Google Ads Certification.