Dart in bullseye

Why you don’t want everyone as your client

Too often we hear that a business is looking for anyone as a client – “Our product is so good it will suit anyone…; we can provide a one size fits all solution…” However, what you really need to ask yourself first is who does your company identify with? Once you understand this, it can really help you formulate your marketing plan to grow your business further.

In our Practice Growth Sessions, we drill down to the details of your business to help you work out who you are best positioned to help or sell products too.

Focus on the target audience, no matter how micro that niche is, and you will fly. Try to grab the whole market and you will end up getting nothing or, at best, poor fitting clients. Your knowledge in your niche will grow and will position you as the expert and the go to person.

Creating an online persona

From these points about your target audience your next step would be to create a character or a persona. Think about the goals or challenges of your target audience. If you start with their job role, imagine their personal goals such as business growth, saving the business money or a future promotion. Then imagine what challenges they face and start to note solutions for these. So, already you can begin to see a personality form in front of you. Then think about how your service or product can help them.

By taking time to understand the needs of your target audience you can begin to understand what channels would be best for a digital marketing campaign.

Read our blog on creating an online persona for targeted sales to help you.

Book a Practice Growth Session

Setting up a persona is something you can do with a few simple steps. Equally, you can also work with a marketing agency to help create a character of your ideal customer.

Being an inbound marketing agency in London, we have Practice Growth Sessions that are tailored to businesses keen to grow and ready to invest in marketing to achieve these goals. You can book a session here for £95, or if you are an accountant, we are currently offering a FREE Practice Growth Session.