Practice Growth Session

Our 3 step practice growth sessions

Leading you through the minefield of digital marketing

The past decade has seen the greatest change to the way how the world does business since the industrial revolution. Over 90% of searches for any business service starts online, so it is a matter of necessity that your business is visible and marketing to the online Audience.

Your website is just one amongst around 2 billion websites out there which, in comparison, makes looking for a needle in a haystack a piece of cake.

A nice website is nothing if it cannot be found when potential business is searching for your services. We use trusted research techniques and premium tools such as SEMrush to get you great results.

Our Practice Growth Session will analyse your business to give you an understanding of how to market your business and the benefits of the tools available to you. You will leave the session with:

3 steps to gaining more clients


How to set about finding and connecting with leads for your business? First ensure that your own brand/tone is consistent. Then create personas for target individuals within your niche. This is the foundation of any marketing campaign.


How are you going to engage with your potential leads. Rarely are sales journeys completed with just one touch, you tend to need to engage with leads at least 7 times before they Convert to becoming a customer. Identify the problems and show how you can take them on a journey to where the problem is resolved. Make sure you focus on the benefits and not the features.


Make sure that they want to work with you. Ensure you have the right service at the right price for your new clients. Provide a unique selling point and some reassurance that they are making the correct decision. Don’t forget that once they are onboard that is not the end of the journey, nurture your clients. It is easier to keep a client than to find a new one, ensure that they feel the love and are a valued customer. Look at upselling as providing a service to help them.

Cet in Touch

If you want help through the digital Marketing minefield then please get in touch.