Man remote working video conference

Is Zoom the new office?

As we wake each day to new curbs and change in our everyday routine as a result of the coronavirus, many of us will now be working from home and getting used to social distancing. Yet somehow, are you finding that you’re more social than ever?

Working from an office base, communication on email still seems to be de rigueur. With a favour towards regular face to face meetings. Now, as many people adjust to remote working from home, here’s some tips on video conferencing.

Video conferencing apps

Well, video conferencing is not new, and it has been used by many businesses well before now. It’s allowed firms to be global when perhaps they may be based in Croydon in the UK.

Smart Cow had already started holding video meetings where distance between clients was an issue and as a great way to share screens and talk through work. But for many businesses, they will be starting to use this method for the first time. Not just for their work, but also for catching up with friends and family.

Zoom seems to be coming up top of the list for video apps. From business meetings to family drinks through to bands continuing to gig, the use of Zoom seems to be ticking all these boxes. Visit – it offers a free sign up option.

If you’re finding it a bit daunting then Techtrader has a step by step guide on how to set up your Zoom video conferencing.

Microsoft teams is also a popular choice for businesses. Part of the Office 365 suite which includes Outlook, Cloud based Sharepoint and your Office stalwarts – Word, PowerPoint and Excel. It allows work collaboration in real-time but also offers mobile audio and video.

Check out this comprehensive list from PC Magazine featuring the best video conferencing software to find out what may be right for your business.

With the change in your daily routine, now is a good time to explore options for your business. Using video conferencing with colleagues is a great way to share ideas and thoughts for the business and how you can continue to maintain presence in a digital world.  

Further resources

WOman with phone and laptop

How technology is helping big brands target new customers

Technology is bringing to light innovative and exciting ways businesses can connect with their customers. It is important for companies to continuously invest time and effort into new ways of marketing themselves. It is key to not only keep up with trends but accurately predict trends which will take place over the next few months or throughout the year. Here are two examples of big companies’ activity to reinvent the customer’s digital experience.

Ikea’s innovative app redesign

Ikea has redesigned its mobile shopping app in France and the Netherlands, soon to be branching out to other countries. The shopping app allows for shoppers to input information such as; the dimensions of their room, and the trends/styles they like, so they can visualise how something may look and receive great recommendations. Then, still using the app, they can buy products and order them for delivery straight to their house! The restructure of the app stems from the aim to reach customers further afield from their out-of-town stores and create a shopping experience which is easy and immersive.

Argos takes advantage of image search algorithms

Argos is taking advantage of the new and recent advances in image search algorithms and machine learning. This new technology can identify through an image the; colours, shapes, and styles, of furniture and household items and suggest similar pieces. This is perfect for those who are Pinterest obsessed, or followers of interior design profiles on Instagram.

Next steps for SMEs

Big brands are constantly looking at ways to target new customers and incorporating technology to help with the customer user experience. Ikea and Argos have come up with great ways to utilise the technology available to them, and you should to. But before you go and ahead to invest in the most expensive software out there, there is one thing you need to do… RESEARCH!

Before undertaking any new digital marketing campaign make sure you research your customer base; find out what they are interested in, what technology they use, research what your competitors are doing and brainstorm how your business can do it better! You need to have a rich understanding of your customer base in order to successfully market and bring your company into the age of technology. You may find that you already have the tools and technology you need to hand, you just need to get the best out of them.

At Smart Cow Digital Marketing, we provide a range of tailored campaigns which will get your business noticed, as well as investing time in areas of your company which have room for improvement. Check out the services we offer and give us a call on 020 3137 1826.

Make up

Avon’s Breakthrough in Digital Marketing

The world of marketing is changing, and it is digital marketing which seems to be the forefront of businesses minds. Avon, traditionally the epitome of door-to-door sales, is having a revamp in how it can aid the Avon reps in becoming better marketers and salespersons. Avon has launched an app which enables virtual connections between customers and the reps, as well as supplying the reps with tools and information on creating the best Avon branded content to attract customers.

The app allows Avon reps to manage their business from their smartphone. It also enables reps to utilise social media apps such as WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook through posting about products through the high-quality brand and product content, links to Avon’s online brochure, and many creative assets to share with customers online. Avon reps are still able to keep autonomy and their own individuality when it comes to creating messages and sending specific shades of lipstick or eye shadow to people.

It is clear Avon is jumping on the digital marketing trend with apps, online links, and social media posts and moving into a new digital age! They are adapting to the new ways people interact with a business’s services or products. A lot of selling and buying happens digitally and through the different social media platforms. We certainly think this is a genius move and makes absolute sense. The door to door salesman is now our social media networks.

Does your business need a breakthrough in digital marketing? If so, get in touch with us today and find out how we can help create a digital marketing campaign tailored for you.

Old Skool Tech

Old Skool Tech

From floppy disks to USB sticks, The A-Z book to google maps, record players to tiny iPods with their infinite music libraries; technology has evolved dramatically but trends show we’re still being influenced by our love of technology gone by.

Children of today might not know how to tell the time on an analogue clock, or may think a typewriter is a bingo machine*, however they are still somewhat cultured in old school tech. Most likely learning through beloved TV shows and films such as; Stranger Things – born from the 80’s, Super 8 – a film named after a vintage 60’s camera, and Guardians of the Galaxy featuring a Walkman and a cassette with hits from the 70’s and 80’s.

The demand for newer and better technology is high and this demand is also seen in the classroom with many apps and games developed with an educational theme. A popular app being ‘Kahoot!’, allowing teachers to create and share games and quizzes via those connected on the app. And, with high demand for jobs in coding including web development, what better way to ensure there are coders of the future than to create games teaching 3-year olds how to code – such as Cubetto.

But, there’s still something fashionable about old school tech. Despite the fact we can have any song at our fingertips, industry figures are showing that vinyl record sales have gone up by 53% on 2015 and sales are experiencing a 25 year high**. People seem to be drawn to retro pastel coloured record players as they head to second-hand record shops to purchase their vintage sounds.

Technology is everywhere, influencing our daily lives; in schools, during leisure activities and in our businesses. Society clearly embraces its every twist and turn, but there’ll always be space in our hearts for yesteryear.

Sources: * ; **The Guardian