Social media letters

When and what to schedule for social media marketing

Some social networkers don’t like to engage in the discussion but they are there just for purely egotistical reasons. Social networkers simply collect friends and followers for the sake of having bragging rights in each time they get people. But following, connecting, or befriending just anybody dilutes your standing and influence among those in your audience.

Other people join because they feel they just need to join. They spend some days in setting up their own profiles.

Connection is the real motivation for any social networker especially in the field of business. You need to connect with people that share the same ideas and those who can improve your business standing and whose businesses you can help. You need to add value to the conversation, and not to enter the conversation as spammy, desperate or a time waster. If you develop a weak reputation in these social networks, it will be tough to stand up again.

Check social media twice daily – in the morning and afternoon

• Check Twitter through free online programs like HootSuite. Respond only when necessary and don’t waste your time in replying to senseless replies.

• Check LinkedIn. Reply to comments and emails when appropriate.
• Check your Facebook Page for inquiries or questions and respond quickly and professionally.

Certainly, your daily to-do list in social networking websites will be very different, given your commitments and your available time. Just ensure to make your schedule liveable as best as you can and keep changing it until it works well for you.

Social Media marketing agency

Incorporating social media into your marketing strategy can raise brand awareness and online presence. Visit our blog for tips on how you can improve social media presence.

If you feel you need support in getting your business noticed on social media, then get in touch with Smart Cow Marketing to discuss your needs further.

What is the point of blogging?

Everything we do always needs to have a ‘point’ or purpose or it all gets very mundane. We all need a reason to do what we do, even if it’s simply earning a living. Here, Smart Cow Marketing’s owner, Simon, gives us some points to ponder…

1. Blogging is about communication

On my own blog I interact with those people who are searching for daily updates in the normal life events. I use my own experiences to share information and learn new things through contacting with my readers at the same time; I am trying to shed the light on some of the important life problems.

2. Blogging sometimes is about ‘teaching’

I try to solve problems, answer some questions, point people in a new and a helpful direction. I try to give hints when they are puzzled. When they are troubled I try to assist them as best as I can and to teach them how to depend on themselves before asking for others’ help using some gentle nudges from me.

3. Blogging can be controversial

On my own blog, I do encourage the exchanging of views. I started a technology related topic for example and ask questions for the sake of opening a discussion with my readers and get their views.

4. Blogging needs enthusiasm

Sometimes I get very tired but that doesn’t last for a long time as I really love writing in general. So as soon as I start to plan a post, I usually come up with the whole idea which can be created and executed in another time.

Digital marketing expert Croydon

We are a digital marketing agency based in South London working with small businesses, as well as those in accountancy and the construction sector to help get them noticed online. Drop us an email at or give us a call on 020 3137 1826. 

Social media letters

Facebook shares fall by 6% as lock-up period ends

BBC News reports another share price drop in Facebook. Well this is not really a surprise is it? As mentioned before in previous blogs. It really looks like this stock is so over valued.

Why over valued?

Don’t get me wrong Facebook is great for certain things. It started out as a social tool and grew so quickly that there seems to be a demand to put a value on it and milk it for everything.

So why is it over valued? We think that most users will be using it as a social medium to contact with friends. Businesses can also use it to interact with it interested customers. however, the two main revenues are the apps and the ads.

We’re not experts, but…

As far as the apps go on Facebook the majority appear to be free, with some adding costs to buy extras. I’m am still to find someone who has bought facebook apps add-ons.

So the Ads. As an online marketing agency, we realise the importance of advertising online and the data that is held is superb for advertisers, however as the different channels go, this is not really a B2B market and only a b2c market.

What next?

Only time will tell, If people want to engage with business online they will probably search and like them their selves. Facebook has a great database and need to know how to use this better. Unlike Google where users are actually searching for a page, Facebook users want to chat rather than buy.

There is obviously a market for advertising but measured with the rest of the options. One further point is, give it 10 years will Face book still be with us? Google+ has great potential to steal a march over time. watch this space

We hope that this article is of use, feel free to forward it to whoever may find it useful.

Digital marketing agency Surrey

Please follow our updates in the cowshed by subscribing to our newsletter

Smart cow marketing Ltd – the smart approach to sales and marketing, a company registered in England and Wales with Registered Number 07903210 Telephone: 020 3137 1826 / Facsimile: 0871 900 6153.

Social media letters

Flotation of Facebook

So what’s our feelings around Flotation of Facebook on the stock market?

Smart  Cow Marketing Ltd is a sales and marketing company based in South London.

We believe in building strong trusted relationships between business and so would like to share some of our in-depth expertise and knowledge with you.  This Blog is about the recent flotation of Facebook on the stock market.


For the first of all, we are no financial whiz kids and we also appreciate what a good product Facebook is.  However, Facebook is a social media tool and there are many people that we have talked to who have not looked at the advertisements placed on Facebook.  So how will Facebook make its money can repay its investors?  Well, we can see a couple of avenues: first of all is the game’s experience such as Farmville and secondly is to the increased the amount of advertising.

Impact on users

We have recently seen motions towards paid posts within Facebook which means if you want to pay for your messages to be displayed above the others then you can do so.  Now at the moment this is not in place but feel that it will be the way to go.

As with all these technologies that float on the stock market they need to realise their financial impact.  And so to repay their investors one of the easiest ways is through advertising income revenue.  And as we can’t see how successful the adverts from the side of the Facebook page are, we feel that they are going to be more intrusive ad placements within your daily stream.

Where do we go from here?

We, therefore, feel in turn that this will affect the overall Facebook experience, changing from a social tool to a promotional tool.
When this happens we can see a loss of appeal and Google moving to new platforms.  However, Facebook or he has such a grip on the market it will take a very strong to knock it off its perch.  But inevitably a new product will arrive one day.  In the meantime keep enjoying using Facebook and look out for more posts on our blog.

We hope that this article is of use, feel free to forward it to whoever may find it useful.

Digital marketing agency Surrey

Please follow our updates in the cowshed by subscribing to our newsletter

Smart cow marketing Ltd – the smart approach to sales and marketing, a company registered in England and Wales with Registered Number 07903210 Telephone: 020 3137 1826 / Facsimile: 0871 900 6153.
