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Have you told search engines you exist?

Grow your business with Google

To help your business grow, you need to tell people that you exist. These days your shop window is a virtual one – it’s your website. However, just like a bricks and mortar premises your website needs to be found, it’s just that these days that means via a search engine. Just as you would have a sign on your window advertising your products and services you need to let people know where you are.

One of the first things you need to do when you have created your website, or if you are embarking on a digital marketing campaign to grow your business, is to make sure you’ve told search engines that you exist. The most popular way to do this is initially is by populating Google My Business with your company details.

About Google My Business

This is a free tool to use and well worth the time and effort to complete. Google is one of the most popular search engines after all, so you may as well let them know about you by filling out as much about your company as you can.

The very basics to complete are your website URL, opening times, address, contact numbers and email addresses and a short paragraph about your company. But it is worth exploring what else you can complete as this will all help Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and your company being seen in search, further optimising your website.

For example, you can add ‘posts’ to your Google My Business page. This allows you to add offers and event details with clear call to action buttons. It’s worth noting here that you don’t need to create fresh content for this you can just edit one of your blogs or offer from your website and repurpose for Google My Business as part of your routine SEO work.

Images say a thousand words and you have the ability to add imagery to your Google My Business page too.

A regular look at your ‘insights’ on this page will reveal the most popular search queries for your business by unique users. These insights can also assist you in keeping the keywords and phrases you use up to date.


These business pages are also a great way for you to ask customers to leave reviews. When people look for a product or service they are comforted by reviews from people and this could be the difference between whether someone clicks on your link or the person with a populated Google My Business page. 

Book a Practice Growth Session

Google My Business is just one of the tactics we recommend that our clients implement. If you would like to find out more, our Practice Growth Sessions are tailored for businesses keen to grow and ready to invest in a digital marketing campaign to achieve their goals. As an inbound marketing agency in London, arming you with the fundamental details for you to be able to implement a campaign to help you grow is well within our abilities. You can book a session with us for £95.

Keep an eye on our blog for more tips on growing your business with a well targeted digital marketing campaign.


Try local search instead of marketing to the world

As we’ve mentioned before, 97% of searches online are to find a local business*, it is therefore paramount that your business is visible online. But if you’re looking to grow your business by selling to potential customers in a specific area in the UK, how can you reach this target audience?

What areas are you looking to target?

Drill down to the areas you want to target to find new clients and use that for your future marketing campaigns.

Think about your content on your website, is it specific for the location you’re targeting? Have you mentioned that you are offering a particular service for people in a specific area anywhere on your website?

If you conduct a Pay Per Click (PPC) campaign, having an agreed area you are targeting, rather than a scatter gun approach, is key to the campaign’s success. You will need to have a dedicated landing page on your website with content specific for those areas.

Digital marketing campaign

To achieve the best results, it’s not just about the geographical area though. There’s a number of factors to build into your marketing plan which we’ve touched on in previous blogs including making sure you have created a list of keywords and phrases that you want to be found for. As well as ensuring you have a persona created for your target audience and drilled down to your brand identity so that your messages are consistent to your brand. 

Here’s our top 8 tips for building a great website as part of a well targeted digital marketing campaign.

Book a Practice Growth Session

If you’re looking to grow your business, investing in a well targeted digital marketing campaign is fundamental to growth. Our Practice Growth Sessions are tailored for businesses keen to grow and ready to invest in a digital marketing campaign to achieve their goals. You can book a session with us for £95.

Sources: *SEOExpertBrad

Word in dictionary illustrating keywords

How to make your marketing work – be specific

Whether you are a local business, national or gain most of your leads through referrals, you will still need an online presence as it is the automatic first stop in searching for a businesses credibility. With 97% of searches online to find a local business*, it is a matter of necessity that your business is visible and you’re marketing to the online audience.

Although it’s no good marketing to everyone – you need to have worked out who your target audience is to help you decide what key terms you would like to be found for?

If you’ve not already worked out your target audience, take a look at our blog on this topic which will give you tips on how to create this.


Your website in the online world is the equivalent to a business premises in the real world. What it looks like where it is found, how up to date it is and how easy it is to navigate are all key factors for success. A tailored SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) campaign will help your business be seen helping it move up the search engine results page. This is why keywords are so important and one of the first things to look at when you’re working out how you’re going to target that audience.

Think about what key term you would like to be found for? The more content you produce using keywords the more your website is recognised by a search engine meaning your website will make its way up the results pages.

If you’re looking for keywords for an accountancy practice, for example, then the following will be a good place to start:

  • Accounting
  • Audit and Accounting
  • Bookkeeping

Find keywords that work with your business goals and target the areas you’re looking to promote. But finding out which keywords have the most traffic or competition isn’t widely available, this is where working with a digital marketing agency can help.

Long tail Keywords

Think about being very specific on keywords, which are sometimes given the term ‘long tail keywords’. For example, continuing with the accountancy theme people may search for “Accountants in Croydon”, “Accountant for business start-up”, “Chartered accountant in Surrey,” or “Accountant for SME Tax Return”. It’s likely to be a lot easier to rank for this as there will be less competition, but, while you may see less traffic to your website as not many people will search such a specific phrase, it will help it to be targeted.


Before writing content for your pages, you should always have your keywords planned for what you’re writing about and make sure you add them to your blogs. You should also add them, where you can, in separate heading tags. This gives your keywords greater authority and tells the search engines that the topics you’re talking about are important and relevant to your business.

The h1 tag is also key and should not be missed on any page. Search engine spiders pay great attention to the words used in a h1 tag as it should contain information about the content of the page, just as the title will. Search engines check the keyword consistency between the header tag and the content on the rest of the page.

Don’t stuff keywords!

But a word of warning – when you add keywords to your website’s pages, they have to be relevant. Don’t add keywords for the sake of it as this will act against you when the search engines crawl your site which they recognise as ‘keyword stuffing’. We find that focusing your content around one or two keywords will help you build on results overtime.

Book a Practice Growth Session

If you you’re looking to grow your business, investing in a well targeted digital marketing campaign is fundamental to growth and we, an inbound marketing agency in London, can help you with that. Our Practice Growth Sessions are tailored for businesses keen to grow and ready to invest in a digital marketing campaign to achieve their goals.

You can book a session with us for £95 and we can help you work out the keywords and phrases for your business to be found.

Sources: *SEOExpertBrad

Business ruler

Accountants – are you looking to grow your practice?

If you’re looking for growth in your accountancy practice then considering investment in marketing could be the approach to bring prospects to your door. But, with the host of marketing tactics out there, where do you start and what’s the best approach?

Unfortunately, there’s no one answer. But there’s a whole host of tools at your disposal to get awareness of your practice out there. Here’s the lowdown on what you need to consider.


First and foremost – is your website doing its job? What we mean by this is that you need to look at your website and question whether there are succinct facts about what you do? Is the content relevant to your target audience? And, are there clear calls to action to get that contact coming your way?

Google My Business

Then you need to make sure your website is seen. Make sure you’ve populated Google My Business with details of your firm. This is free to do and at the very least get the basic information up there about your company, such as website, telephone number, contact email and opening times, as this all helps with SEO and it’s another place that you can be seen. Once you have the basic company details uploaded, explore other options available such as adding offers, your news and imagery as well as asking for clients to leave reviews. Again, this all helps with your organic search rankings.

Pay Per Click

Pay Per Click (PPC) is a great way to help increase traffic to your website. If you are trying PPC – of which Google Ads are the most popular – then getting your website up to date and populated with relevant content is so important. For a PPC campaign you will want a dedicated page on your website so that when people you are targeting click on an ad they land on a page with relevant content and because it is relevant this will help lower the cost of the ads.


Regular and relevant content through blogs on your website, email marketing, social media posts etc., will help position you as thought leaders and build your brand. But don’t forget images and video content. Be factual with content offer tips, industry statistics and insight. Search engines also trawl through your website pages all the time looking for fresh and relevant content so this tells the search engines that you are the place to go to.

Social media

Then there’s social media. Do you have presence on any social channel? Now you may think that Facebook is just for seeing who ate and drank what but actually having a Facebook page for your company that is up to date, even if you don’t post much from it, means that you have visibility on one of the largest search engines.

The best channels for accounting firms are LinkedIn and Twitter. With LinkedIn it’s worth remembering that you’re networking. It’s not about selling it’s about creating that business relationship. You connect with people to then be able to engage in the future to talk about products and services.

With a Twitter account your bio is a quick opportunity to showcase what services you offer. It’s worth having presence on this channel as your competitors will and it allows you the opportunity to share industry insight from accounting resources such as Accountancy Age.

Read our blog on the different social media platforms and how to use them for more insight.

Practice growth sessions

If you’re an accountancy practice looking to grow then why not book a practice growth session with us at Smart Cow.

Get in touch today via our online form or call on 020 3137 1826 or via