
We have talked before when starting an online marketing campaign about the importance of creating a buyer persona. This provides you or

The view of most businesses is that they require an online presence which obviously we would agree is essential to any business

Welcome to 2013!  With the knowledge that changes are happening at an ever-increasing rate it is very difficult to predict what will

Well it’s a very merry Christmas from us at Smart Cow Marketing.  And what a year it has been, we launched Smart

Smart Cow Marketing is proud to announce that it has started a brand new partnership with Constant Contact. We have spent much time

We believe in building strong trusted relationships between business and so would like to share some of our in-depth expertise and knowledge

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Over the past decade there’s been a huge shift in how we all market and sell to potential customers. The buyer is now so much more informed and empowered that it’s now no longer relevant to simply be selling, it’s about supporting the buyer in making the right purchase or choosing the right service.

With this in mind, your marketing strategy needs to change to support your business in being a magnet to good qualified leads. We can help build that inbound marketing  strategy for you.