Tips for LinkedIn social posts

Social media marketing is a key element of a digital marketing strategy. It allows for another avenue of reaching your target audience in a way that they choose to receive information and at a time of their choosing. It can offer a more personal approach and informal way to market to your audience.

However, with a multitude of social channels to consider you do need to choose and test the right channels for your business – one size does not fit all! For the purpose of this blog, we’ll look at LinkedIn and provide an overview of the type of content that can help with your approach.

As a professional networking social channel, it’s an online way to connect, network, gain insight into your sector and search for career opportunities.

Be insightful

For a LinkedIn business account, as opposed to your own personal profile, keep posts insightful about your industry, perhaps weave in information about your products and services but all the time thinking how your business can help your specific target audience. Think about what tips and advice you can offer your followers rather than being solely product and service focussed.


Recent research has also highlighted that 3x more clicks are generated by uploading native documents such as PDFs directly to LinkedIn.

So, if you have any infographics or industry insight perhaps create a one-page document that you’re happy for prospects to view. This can act as a teaser to enticing people to head to your website and look at what other resources you may have. However, a lot of the time we would recommend that you have content download behind a gated page so you can capture email addresses. It’s a bit of a balancing act. Just be mindful of this rather than giving away all information without the return of an email.

Engage with your first sentence

You can create longer posts on LinkedIn and followers are accepting of that. However, it’s worth noting that the first 140 characters are seen on mobile apps so make those words count to get people to read more.


Hashtags are much more popular on LinkedIn but as with other social media channels, keep them relevant to your post. Perhaps two or three hashtags so as not to detract from your message.


As for emojis, go for it. While they can help create standout perhaps choose to use sparingly and dependent on the type of post and your brand guidelines of course. We’ve certainly come across some on the network having an issue with the overuse of emojis – so be cautious but don’t let it stifle your creativity.

Introduce video

Introducing video into your marketing strategy is more important than ever. LinkedIn users are 20 times more likely to share a video on LinkedIn than any other type of post and video views average 15.6%. Simple video can be created on your smartphone. Shots of speakers at events or your exhibition stand through to teaser campaigns or tips and advice brought to life.

We have further advice on creating video for your business here. However, get in touch if you want to talk about a holistic marketing strategy incorporating video.