Preparing for a successful 2023 with a PPC review

As the New Year fast approaches, now is the perfect time to get your marketing strategy in order. If you’re looking for a comprehensive way to kick-start your business’s success in 2023, a Pay Per Click (PPC) review is an ideal place to start. With this review, you can analyse and optimise your current Google Ads campaigns so that you can hit the ground running in the new year.

What is a PPC Review?

A PPC review is an analysis of your existing Google Ads campaigns that looks at how you are currently spending on advertising, the performance of each campaign, and the quality of leads generated by each keyword or search phrase. The review focuses on what’s working and not working with your campaigns so that we can identify areas where optimisation could help improve lead generation. 

By optimising your campaigns efficiently, we can ensure that you are targeting potential customers who are most likely to purchase from you. We also look at how to restructure campaigns and create powerful ad copy to boost conversions. 

In addition to providing recommendations for optimisation, we also provide ongoing monitoring which includes tracking key metrics such as impressions, clicks, cost per click (CPC), click-through rate (CTR), and conversion rate (CR). This data helps generate insights into how visitors interact with your website and what tactics yield the best results. Ongoing monitoring also allows us to adjust bids quickly when needed so that changes can be implemented quickly and effectively.  

What are the benefits of a PPC campaign

If you’ve been thinking about starting a PPC campaign, here is a quick overview of what you need to know.

1. Increased Visibility

One of the primary benefits of a PPC campaign is that it can help to increase the visibility of your website. When people search for keywords that are relevant to your business, your ad will appear at the top of the search results, increasing the likelihood that people will click on it. This can help to increase sales and generate leads for your business. 

2. More Targeted Traffic

A PPC campaign can help to generate more targeted traffic to your website. This is because you can specifically target people who are interested in the products or services that you offer. For example, you can target people who live in a certain area or who have searched for specific keywords.

3. Cost-effective way to reach potential customers

It offers a cost-effective way to reach potential customers. You only have to pay when someone clicks on your ad, so you can control how much you spend on your campaign. Additionally, you can target your ads to specific demographics, which can help to ensure that you are reaching your target market. 

4. Measurable Results

PPC campaigns provide measurable results, which means that you can track the performance of your campaign and make changes as needed. You can track how many people click on your ad, how many people visit your website, and how many sales or leads are generated from your campaign. This information can help you to optimise your campaign for better results.

5. Helps build brand awareness

A PPC campaign can also help to build brand awareness for your business. When people see your ads, they will begin to recognise your brand and be more likely to think of you when they are in need of the products or services that you offer.  

Why Should You Do A PPC Review Now?

Doing a PPC review now will help ensure that you’re well-prepared for the new year ahead. By taking this proactive approach now rather than waiting until later in the year when things start picking up again, you’ll give yourself enough time to go through each step of the process without feeling rushed or overwhelmed. Additionally, having an expert review your campaigns will help you stay ahead of any potential issues that could arise in the future due to changes in algorithms or other market trends.  

Get your PPC review booked now

With our PPC reviews starting from £250 + VAT, it’s an affordable way for small businesses to get their campaigns up and running in no time! A PPC review will provide invaluable insights into how much money you’re investing in advertising, whether or not it’s paying off, and what steps need to be taken to optimise performance in order to drive more leads in 2023!  

Get in touch today if you’d like us to take a look at your existing Google Ads campaign and help set you up for success next year!