LinkedIn hashtags

Hashtags are a staple of social media channels such as Instagram and Twitter to help extend reach or say how you feel in a fun and quirky way. Whereas, hashtags are a relatively new addition to LinkedIn.

Introduced in 2018, hashtags can extend reach to new connections. However, the difference with LinkedIn is that it’s a professional social channel. It’s about networking, engaging with new business prospects and joining in industry conversations as part of Groups. 

So, here’s a few tips to help you the next time you share a post with hashtags on LinkedIn.

Accompany text

Hashtags on LinkedIn are best used with accompanied text rather than within the message itself. So, when you write an update add in a call-to-action and then include some hashtags relevant to the post.

Hashtag limits

Whilst there’s no limit to the number of hashtags, this is where you will start to hear talk of algorithms and if you use too many it could be seen as spam. So, having researched and talked to people the consensus is 3 hashtags and at the very most a maximum of 5 hashtags – that’s if you really think you have some great relevant hashtags to include.

Be relevant

To help you decide on hashtags, LinkedIn usually makes some suggestions when you add an update. But, be prepared and have a look at what’s relevant to your industry as well as popular hashtags.

You can follow hashtags which can alert you to interesting topics relevant to your industry and target audience. You can then engage with those comments and strike up conversations.


Understand which hashtags are working well. You can get a feel for this by looking at your analytics which will highlight the impressions of the posts you share. Take note of high impressions and what the post included and the hashtag.

Be clear

Try and avoid acronyms when you use hashtags, that won’t help extend reach as many in your network may struggle to understand what it means and therefore it’s a hashtag that won’t be searched for.

Here’s some business hashtags to consider:


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