Boost your SEO

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a long-term strategy but if you can get into the routine of doing a few simple tasks whenever you upload content to your website then this will support your ongoing SEO strategy well into the future. Here’s our four tips.

Internal links  

As with signage in a shop, your website layout needs to be easy to navigate. This is not just for your website visitors but it’s also for the search engine web crawlers. Always remember that these are part of your core audience. If search engines can simply find their way around your website, then this will help you rise in organic search engine rankings. 

So, how can you help people and search engines move with ease around your site? Well this is where adding internal links is essential. Always have at least three internal links from one web page to elsewhere on your website. Think of it as a signpost and remember to point people in the right direction. Adding a link to the homepage also helps.  


Include your keywords in your web page URL as well as an H1 or H2 header tags – these form part of your technical SEO that you’ll add when you upload your content to content management system (CMS) like WordPress. Again, these act as a guide to search engines about what the content on your web page is about so that your website can appear in search results for an appropriate enquiry.

Keep it simple and people will find you.  

Content marketing keep it fresh  

Unique content is a crucial part of your content marketing strategy. It’s about being informative and knowledgeable providing advice for your target audience.

Remember to add keywords in your website content that are relevant to your products and services. Basically you need to think about what people will search for in search engines and therefore you need to write about it and include these words in your blog post, services pages and homepage.   

Title tag and meta description  

Always complete your title tags. These show on search engine results pages (SERPs). This is what your audience will click on to your website. So, make sure you have your keyword in the title tag but keep within 50-60 characters.  

You can then give more detail for your meta description so that potential website visitors can see more about what’s on offer. Rally think about what will make them click your web page link over your competitors and have that information in you meta description but restrict this to 50-160 characters.  

SEO Croydon   

We’re an SEO company based in Croydon and London with a specialism in helping businesses gain quality leads. We work with a range of businesses including professional services such as accounting firms. We can help with setting up an SEO campaign including SEO audit.

We can also work with you on your digital marketing strategy including a mix of tactics such as social media managementPay Per Click (PPC)email marketing and CRM – read more about our marketing services.  

Further reading