9 tips to create email campaigns that convert

With active email accounts expected to hit 5.6 billion (Source: Statista 2019 via Hubspot), email marketing offers a great inbound marketing option. Here’s our top tips for creating a successful email marketing campaign.

Good quality data

Make sure you have good quality data. Segment your list, clean it and don’t be upset when people unsubscribe. You don’t want to be sending someone emails that they feel are spam. You want to make every email count which means that those left on your subscriber list are relevant. Segmenting a list makes it targeted. Recipients are 75% more likely to click on emails from segmented campaigns than non-segmented campaigns (Source: MailChimp, 2017 via Hubspot)

Be compliant

You must always have an unsubscribe option in your email as well as a link to your privacy policy. If people are not interested, then by making it easy to unsubscribe, you’ve cleared someone from your list that wasn’t going to engage further. Remember, you need to be GDPR compliant, so transparency is important.

Make content snappy

Don’t forget the point of your email. With hundreds or emails received by people daily – what’s the purpose of yours and why should the recipient read it, how will you make yours an effective email? Knowing the key challenges of your target audience will not only help you create content that answers their questions but also will help you to personalise your email.  

Call to action

Make it obvious what you want the recipient to do. Download a case study or report? Answer a short poll? Follow you on social media? Have a link to your blog posts? What the call to action is will vary from the types of email you send out. There are many actions that you can add but make it easy for your reader to know what to do.

Website landing page

Make sure links in your email work and are going to the correct page on your website to avoid bounces. You may need to create a specific landing page or update content to be relevant to your email campaign.  


Make sure your email template is easy to navigate but most of all you have enough pictures or video to make it eye-catching and attractive to look at.

Be mobile responsive

With 46% of emails opened on a mobile, it makes sense to ensure your emails are responsive for all devices.

AvB test

Always test the subject line of your email. Test some of the distribution list initially with a split of subject lines and then with the most successful open rates, send out the remainder using that title.

Analyse your results

Make a note of what works and what doesn’t. Campaign monitoring is important so avoid copying old formats which don’t get clicks, be innovative and creative.

We hope this provides you with the help you need to embark on your email marketing campaign. If you need support on this, then do contact us, a email marketing agency and digital marketing agency in London, and we can chat through your marketing requirements.