Specialists at both the psychology and typography, design labs in Melbourne RMIT university have recently created a new font, designed at helping students revise better, people learn languages better, and elderly people struggling with memory loss*.
This new Font ‘Sans Forgetica’ is a play on the commonly known fonts ‘Helvetica’ and ‘Comic Sans’, also playing with the idea that it’s harder to forget. Here at Smart Cow we found it particularly interesting that the font not only has gaps in the structure of each letter, but also slants 7 degrees to the left, making it harder to decipher for the human brain. This tactic is known as the difficulty principle and is meant to promote stronger cognitions when the word is finally formed in your head.
Importance of fonts
When it comes to marketing, fonts are increasingly important. In online advertising customers spend mere seconds looking at your brand as we found in the email marketing blog earlier this year.
With the font of your brand name clearly being the first thing customers lay eyes on, it has to be seen as one of the most critical aspects of a brand, therefore it must be done right.
Fonts we like
One font the Smart Cow team believe can make a brand stand out in a luxury market is ‘Didot’, most commonly seen by many people as the font of choice for Vogue magazine since 1955. This font originates from the late 18th/ early 19th century in Paris and we think displays a certain level of elegance.
Another font we love is ‘Garamond’, based on the designs of 16th-century French engraver Claude Garamond. This font portrays a thin yet soft style, very easily legible. Ideal for advertising professional services or products, such as letting agencies.
At Smart Cow, we offer multiple tips on how creating the right impression at first glance for your customers. Get in touch with us for more and we’ll be able to help you perfect your online brand and digital persona.
Source: *www.dezeen.com