An SEO Indian summer in Croydon?

So, the weather in sunny old Croydon has taken a turn and it is not so sunny any more. However, the same cannot be said for the Google outlook. The search engine company has been busy making amendments to its algorithms and this has been playing havoc with sites search engine results.

What is the SEO Forecast?

Using some of our popular insight tools such as Mozcast and algoroo we can see that the search engine giant has been making some significant changes peaking on 21 August with a temperature of over 100°. So, what does this mean to you? Well the higher the temperature, the higher the reported cases of changes to keyword results on excellent many analysed websites. So, some results may go down and some results may go up depending on what these changes are.

Here at Smart Cow Marketing we are noticing a trend over the past three months whereby towards the last third of each month Google has made a significant change to the search engines producing a spike in the results. So, we recommend keeping an eye out using Moscow last towards the end of each month to see if any of your site keywords have been affected.

This obviously makes work harder to keep on top with what impact the changes are and how best to optimise the site for specific keywords. Google will never release the details of the changes to their algorithms whether it be to pander or to Penguin but through feedback to many other online marketeers we can tend to get an idea of what these changes are.

We have certainly noticed some differences with some of the keywords that we have placed specifically to do with businesses based in Croydon and Surrey and seeing how their results have fluctuated. But trying to identify whether this is through on-site changes or more probably offsite links will be quite challenging. The thing that we most fervently adhere to go is to make sure whatever method we use will always be a white hat (ethically correct) technique. We realised that whatever tricks you may try to do to pull the wool over Google’s eyes there will be an update before too long to counter this. So, whatever we do we will always look to make sure that we produce good ethical links and content for all of our clients.

This, it must be said, is also true to many other search engine optimisation businesses and we are particularly impressed with the high ethical attitude shown to many of our competitors, and long may this remain.

Digital marketing agency Surrey

If you’re at all interested in increasing the performance of your business online and are based in London, Croydon, Surrey then we are always more than happy to have a chat about how we can help get the solution that best suit you. You can contact us on 020 3137 1826 or request a Free online business report from Smart Cow.