Top five predictions from Smart Cow Marketing

Welcome to 2013!  With the knowledge that changes are happening at an ever-increasing rate it is very difficult to predict what will happen in the next 12 months, however here are our views on the significant changes ahead in 2013 from an online marketing point of view.

1. Google+ will start to increase its percentage of the social media market. However, this will mainly be for businesses as the individual will continue to use Facebook and twitter is the main social media.  Google+ we’ll be increasingly more powerful as it will have a higher ranking within the sites SEO and so online marketing companies such as smart cow will continue to recommend for businesses have a Google plus presents.

2. Google will continue to show its dominance as the number one search engine.  This sounds like what an obvious choice however there is so much competition online that we see that this will not always be the case. With different ways of searching and different operating systems we can see that the Google will lose its power but not in the immediate future. We see new search from Facebook and the rise of Windows 8 phones will impact on Google eventually.

3. Mobile sites will become more and more important to businesses. Now that mobile products now overtake the desktop as the main ways to connect to the Internet businesses will need to ensure that their sites on mobile enabled. This can be either by a mobile site or through a responsive skin to the existing site. Either way businesses we’ll have to be paying more attention to the mobile market.

4. Google AdWords will become more and more mainstream for businesses.  The AdWords entry level will become much easier for the introduction of keywords free adverts.  However, to get a truly world performing AdWords campaign businesses will need to rely more and more on online marketing companies. As the complexity and the competition will be just as tough as organic search engine optimisation.

5. Local search will take place of the high street. With the recession still taking a grip, businesses will rely more and more on a local presence, the easiest way of being found in the local search is through Google local. This also relies very closely to the Google+ pages one enabling people to provide for the use of your business online increasing the chances of you been pounds in a search.

We’ll return at the end of the year to see how these predictions have gone and what lies ahead for 2014 for which we are already excited as we’re waiting the release of all Google and windows classes integration augmented reality into your everyday life.

Let us know your thoughts on these predictions are and if you have any predictions of your own. And come back soon.

Digital marketing agency Surrey

If you need a helping hand with your digital marketing strategy, get in touch with us at Smart Cow Digital Marketing for expert advice on how to conduct an effective digital marketing campaign!

Services we offer include web design and developmentSEOPay Per Click (PPC)social media management through to CRM and marketing automation.