Well it’s a merry Christmas from Smart Cow Marketing

Well it’s a very merry Christmas from us at Smart Cow Marketing.  And what a year it has been, we launched Smart Cow Marketing in February this year.  Despite a few bumps on the road it has been an excellent time.

We have got some great new clients and really appreciate your support, we offer a proud of products and services we have delivered over the year and especially likely to the team at we mean business in Croydon in November.

Now and then


So, as well as starting Smart Cow Marketing, we have also formed new partnerships with Microsoft, Google, Constant Contact and mojoPortal to name but a few.

We also enhanced our technology skills added some exciting new features to our websites as well as integrating with online stores.


And on to next year we have got some exciting times ahead of us. With new developments from Google AdWords and the rapid increase of social marketing we will certainly have had time cut out for ourselves. But we’re really looking forward to the challenges ahead as well as delivering some great websites.


So, as long as the world does not end on the 21st of December as predicted by the myan prophecy, we are looking forward to some exciting new developments. Google AdWords is developing at such a fast pace making it easier and simpler to manage your own AdWords campaign, however we are always here to help with a more detailed and advanced campaigns.

Video in websites will become more and more frequent and businesses will have to learn to be even more savvy with presenting in front of the camera.  With the bandwidth ever increasing and different mobile technologies coming to the a front the life of online marketing has never been so exciting.

But most of all we wish you all had a merry Christmas and a prosperous 2013.