People using Smartphones to get their businesses on Facebook

Get your business on Facebook

With over 2.3 billion monthly active Facebook users, this social media platform is still one of the most popular out there. It’s therefore a good idea to have a Facebook page for your business. Depending on your type of business, this may dictate the level of activity, but suffice to say that a presence is a wise choice. People take comfort in seeing consistency of brand across different platforms, ads and literature.

Your basic page set up

With a Facebook page for your business you can get basic details showing straight away including website address, contact details, opening times. Also make sure you have a banner image and profile image uploaded. You page is now set and you can simply start posting. But before you do, you may want to continue reading to get some of our tips on what content you should posting.

Know your target audience

If you’ve been following our series of blogs, we think you’ll have got the message by know that before you start any digital marketing campaign that you know your target audience. For example, Smart cow’s audience could be businesses searching for digital marketers in Croydon. But if you’re not aware, in short make sure you define your target audience and their personality and then you’ll understand the way in which you should talk to them and what they’re interested to hear about. Read our blog on target audiences for more information.

What should you say?

Don’t forget the ‘social’ side when using Facebook or any social media channel. Avoid blatantly shouting about products or services over and over again, it’s about being respectful to others, speaking in the right language and tone of voice and chatting to them – or engaging! 

Use images

Remember to be visual. After all a picture says a thousand words. To stand out on a news feed having eye-catching imagery will really help. If you’re taking your own pictures, make sure they aren’t blurry and crop them if necessary before posting. There are also stock photo services you can try but these generally come with a fee attached.

But a word of caution, do not use images that you do not have permission to use – that means anything you find online – everything generally comes with a copyright. But, with technology as it is on your phone today you can create great photos with filters and videos.

Book a Practice Growth Session

If you feel you need of some support from a social media consultant in getting your social media channels set up then get in touch with us today.

We also run Practice Growth Sessions which are tailored for businesses keen to grow and ready to invest in a digital marketing campaign to achieve their goals. You can book a session with us for £95.