Smart Cow reviews 2018 digital marketing trends – Part 1

Here’s our review of digital marketing trends for 2018.

Visual, visual, visual

We’ll be getting much more visual in 2018. Video content will become even more prevalent across all channels from social media through to being hosted on websites and featured in email marketing.

With 85% of customers more likely to make a purchase after watching a product video*, it makes sense to consider this as part of your digital marketing strategy.

But what you should be mindful of is the story. Don’t just post videos because you’ve been told they will gain more likes or shares, you still need to have good and relevant content.

Content is still king

This leads us neatly onto content. Whether a blog, brochure, flyer, tweet or email, content has always been key to draw in the target audience and engage with. Now, more than ever, appropriate, quality content is required to create stand out in the crowded market place.

Keeping blog content relevant, informative, advice-led rather than sales-led is the order of the day and will go a long way on positioning you as an authority in your field. Your readers want to take something away that will help them. But content also relates to videos. Just because it is being spoken, you can’t rely on the look alone if the content is dire.

Social channels such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter are concentrating efforts on visual with Instagram ‘Your Story’ gaining 250 million daily active users in its first year**. With such popularity, it makes sense to get yourself in the mix.

Good video content can also help increase your visibility in search. Optimise a video and you increase the chances of your brand being seen on the front page of a Google search result by 53 times***.

Don’t forget your SEO strategy

Relevancy is so important when it comes to rising the search engine ranks. So, specific long tail keyword phrases will become more predominant to really target your customer. Keywords will still be important but getting to the in-depth nitty gritty of what your customers are searching for and coining your long tail keywords will be crucial to your growth strategy.

Watch out for part 2 of our blog on the digital marketing trends for 2018.

Talk to us about your digital marketing needs and we’ll advise of the best combination of channels and tactics to utilise to make you stand out from the crowd.

Sources: *Video Explainers Via MarTech; **Recode; ***MinuteHack