How URL Structure Enhances Website Success

In the constantly evolving digital landscape, the principles underpinning successful website design and search engine optimisation (SEO) have undergone significant transformation since 2013. One aspect that remains crucial, yet has seen its context and applications change dramatically, is the structure and naming of URLs.

Our original blog on this topic in 2013 (Why URL Name and structure is important to website success) highlighted the inherent risks and considerations associated with URL optimisation.

However, as we revisit this subject a decade later, the advancements in search engine algorithms and user interaction with digital content necessitate a fresh examination.

Looking Back to 2013

In 2013, the emphasis on optimising URL structures was notably pronounced. It stemmed from an understanding that straightforward, meaningful URLs not only contributed to better site organisation but also played a pivotal role in enhancing a website’s SEO performance.

The key recommendations were:

  • Adopting straightforward URLs: Ensuring clarity to avoid confusing redirects and favour clear canonical links.
  • Incorporating meaningful keywords: Utilising relevant keywords in URLs to improve search engine recognition and user understanding.

While these core concepts remain relevant, the penalty risks associated with excessive 301 redirects and the potential for rankings fluctuation during URL restructuring were significant concerns.

The Current State of URL Structure and SEO

Fast forward to today, search engines have become more sophisticated, capable of understanding and indexing content in ways that were not possible before. This evolution has led to shifts in how URL structures are viewed and implemented:

Enhanced Semantic Understanding

Search engines, powered by advances in natural language processing and machine learning, now possess a deeper understanding of content. This means the exact match of keywords in URLs, while still beneficial, is no longer the critical factor it once was. Instead, the focus has shifted towards creating user-friendly, descriptive URLs that align with the intent and content of the page.

Importance of User Experience (UX)

User experience has taken centre stage in website and URL design. Clear, concise, and logical URL structures are now paramount, not just for SEO, but for helping users navigate and understand the hierarchy and content of a website. This user-centric approach aligns with Google’s emphasis on offering the best possible experiences to searchers.

Mobile and Voice Search

The rise of mobile and voice search has also influenced the importance and function of URLs. With voice searches becoming more common, the way users interact with and search for information online has shifted towards conversational queries. This trend reinforces the need for URLs to be clear and easy to understand, as they become part of a broader, context-driven search strategy.

Technical SEO and Performance

While the strategic placement of keywords and clarity in URLs remain important, technical SEO elements like site speed, mobile-friendliness, and secure connections (HTTPS) are increasingly pivotal. These factors can dramatically impact a site’s visibility and ranking, beyond what URL structure alone can achieve.


In reflecting on the evolution of URL structure and its impact on website success, it’s clear that while some foundational principles remain unchanged, the context and application of these ideas have adapted to fit the modern digital world.

The balance of maintaining clear, meaningful URLs with an emphasis on user experience and technical SEO represents the nuanced approach needed for contemporary website optimisation.

Smart Cow Digital Marketing remains at the forefront of these developments, ready to assist businesses and professionals in navigating the complexities of digital marketing and SEO strategies. Our experience is geared towards ensuring your online presence is both impactful and effective, leveraging the latest insights and trends for maximum engagement and success.

For expert advice and support in updating your digital marketing strategy to align with today’s best practices, get in touch. Together, we can develop a digital presence that stands the test of time and continues to thrive in the evolving digital landscape.