Adding a post on Google My Business

Google My Business allows you to share information with your clients and potential customers that find you on search engines.

This can include offers, updates, events and in the current climate COVID-19 updates. 

In our recent series of Marketing Minute videos we’ve been providing tips on optimising your Google My Business page. Here’s how you can share updates.

Log into Google My Business and select posts on the left-hand side.

The one we use the most is ‘Add Update’ and we use this to share news or a blog. To do this, upload a picture and make a summary of one of your most recent website blogs. We then add a button and select ‘learn more’ and point back to the original post with all the detail.

You can also add events and offers, both of which have very simple instructions to follow. Depending on your listing, you may also be able to add new products and price them.

As we stand now, there are also options for adding COVID-19 updates from your business to share any changes to your daily business.

You may also get an option for how people can support your business over COVID-19 with a gift card or donation link.

Make sure you keep posting updates often and this will be looked on favourably by the search engine helping you to improve your online presence.

Setting up Google My Business

If you missed our video on how to set up your Google My Business page you can watch it here.