YouTube tips for your business

We’re constantly driving home that content is key. Although, it’s not just about the written word and keeping your blog page up to date, it’s also about the visual content and ensuring you start to feed in video on your social channels and website. But it’s not about posting any old video, it’s so important that your video content is also targeted to your audience, with a relevant script, tagline and call to action.

A great way to host your video content which can be linked to from blogs and social is via YouTube. With over 1.8 billion users on YouTube every month, the business opportunities for using this channel should not be overlooked.

Hootsuite has a great 10-step marketing strategy if you’re new to YouTube. It covers tips on creating the channel through to the importance of researching your competition. As well as how to optimise your videos for SEO and tips on working with an influencer. You can take a look at the top tips here.

Talk to us ,your London based inbound marketing agency, about your digital marketing needs and we’ll advise of the best combination of social channels and tactics to utilise to make you stand out from the crowd.